
CHAPTER - 25 { Reunion! }

The next day, Kota was called by Oak. So, without wanting to waste time, he headed towards the Oak's laboratory.

Oak's lab was a two floor building with many facilities and storages. There's also the Pokeball Storage Room which stores the extra pokemon of every trainer born in Pallet Town including Kota.

Arriving before the front door, Kota saw Professor Oak already waiting for him.

His face had developed some deep wrinkles around the sides of his eyes. It's soon going to be two whole years since he got his Charmander from Professor Oak.

"Haha, Kota! You look older and more mature than you were since our last meeting."

Laughing, Oak pulled Kota inside and led him to the living room which had a clear view of the area used by the pokemon.

The area for all the pokemon of different trainers, was massive with multiple mountains and an extremely large river.

He could see many Tauros storming through the plain land leaving dust behind.

Rhyhorn, Exeggutor, Onix, Dodrio, these all pokemon stayed in small groups.

The smaller ones were rarely seen from the living room since they tend to stay in the forest with trees and bushes.

"Gengar! Gen~gar!"

Suddenly, his eyes fell on his Gengar. Riding on the back of a Vileplume, he commanded it to roam.

With a single glance Kota could see the frustrated expression on Vileplume's face. Almost in despair.

"I shouldn't have sent you to Professor Oak yesterday."

Muttered Kota with a face filled with black lines, he facepalmed and shook his head.

"Gengar, he, he is quite energetic and playful. Most of the time he just stays alone but sometimes he really plays with the other pokemon. I can only hope he understands that not all pokemon are similar to him."

Said Oak while stepping in the living room with a tray of tea and biscuits.

Passing one of the tea to Kota, he lifted his and seeped it slowly.

"Professor Oak, why did you call me?"

Asked Kota putting the tea back on the table. He could easily see that Professor Oak had something to tell or ask him.

"Kota, what do you think about Mega Evolution? I think you should have heard of it in the news or somewhere."

Said Oak. Kota nodded and went into thoughts. Obviously he wouldn't expose his secrets of knowing everything about Mega Evolution.

Sharing your secrets?

That would be one of the most stupid things anyone could do after being reincarnated or transmigrated to another world.

"I think it's cool. But, is it real?"

Kota responded with another question to Professor Oak. It was a smart move to save yourself from being questioned any further.

"Hm. Actually it's possible. And, someone has already done it."

Replied Oak. He looked at Kota wanting to see a surprised or shocked expression only to be disappointed.

Kota was staring back at him with a poker face. One couldn't guess anything he was thinking of with his hard face.

'No, I was a fool. I never once saw Kota surprised or shocked.'

Thought Oak with a silly smile on his face. He then continued to explain about the Mega Evolution.

"In the Kalos region, a mysterious man was caught on camera with his Blaziken. The interesting fact was that the individual was very well known for being a hero. A crime fighter."

"His Blaziken, appearing different from other Blaziken, was thought to be special, a mutant but it wasn't the case. See for yourself."

Oak handed a smart tablet to Kota. The video was already on the screen so Kota pressed the resume button.

The footage was from a hidden camera on the roof, it centered at the one and only door of the roof.

With a loud noise, someone kicked the door to the roof open and walked out.

It was a man, wearing a weird costume slightly similar to a Blaziken's looks. But, there were adjustments to it.

Then, the man pulled out his pokeball from which came out a tall red pokemon. It was a normal Blaziken, a fire/fighting type pokemon from Hoenn region.

'It's him. I didn't expect him to get caught by camera so early.'

Kota wasn't disappointed, this didn't have to do with him at all. Well, it was just because he did like this Blaziken character in anime.

The man then raised his right hand clenched tightly in the air while the Blaziken on his side did the same.

There seemed to be a connection between the two, then Blaziken started burning in flames which covered it entirely.

Within a second, the flames reduced and revealed Blaziken with a different appearance.

It was taller, had a darker color and looked stronger than before. Blaziken held the man, then almost instantly vanished from the spot.

Or to be exact, it jumped. Blaziken were known for their ability to jump high, very high and far.

"It's not their first time is it? I can see they are professionals."

Smiled Kota as he handed the smart tablet back to Professor Oak.

"It looks so to me as well. So, are you interested in this Mega Evolution?"

Asked Oak. It wasn't a tough decision to begin with, anyone would be interested and eager to try the Mega Evolution.

"I am, Professor Oak. I am."

"Just the answer I wanted from you. There's going to be a group of trainers, like you, who will have the privilege to try out the Mega Evolution. It will be the first one to get recorded by Professors."

Said Oak with a bright and shining face.

"It will be in the Sinnoh region, in W.P.R. Institution supervised by Professor Riccky. This is also a kind of test to verify a few things."

Explained Oak without missing any details to Kota for a while. After they were done, Kota agreed to go to the Sinnoh region and join this test.

It was a one week trip, something Kota could spare his time for. There was still a few days before they will be called so Kota had some time to train his pokemon.

* * *

Walking in the forest, in the pokemon's area. Kota searched for his pokemon.

Behind him, there was Charizard carrying Larvitar, Suicune, Sentret and Gengar. Above, Aerodactyl flew and scared most of the flying pokemon.


Seeing a forest for the first time, Larvitar shouted to Kota and continuously asked to let him roam.

"Wait for some time. You will get to play as much as you want after I find my pokemon."

Replied Kota. They looked for a while and Kota finally found his pokemon gathered together near the huge river behind a mountain.

Professor Oak had already told him about the weird behavior of his pokemon.

They gathered together and spent their time. It was as if they were in a gang. None of the other pokemon dare to near them.

The reason was simple, his pokemon were far stronger and smarter than the rest. No, not all his pokemon but the ones he trained.


The first one who saw Kota was Gyarados. He roared out loudly, his voice echoed throughout the forest, mountain and the plain land.

Many pokemon shivered and shook in fear while some went into hiding.

Kota stood before the huge pokemon gathering, his face was filled with some amount of pride and happiness.

Gyarados, Fearow, Scizor, Shiny Onix, Dragonite, Nidoking, and a few more.

Each one was at the top level in the world when talking about powers and abilities.

"Everyone, say hello to some new friends."

Kota then started introducing everyone to Suicune, Larvitar and Sentret. Suicune walked to Kota and signaled at his waist belt.

"Oh, I nearly forgot him. Come out and meet everyone."

Kota called out Croconow. Who was stunned and frightened to see so many new faces at once.


Larvitar held Croconow and took him to the middle of the gathering with a wide grinning face. Croconaw on the other hand, was sweating profusely.

It was quite fun to see his pokemon enjoy the moment of reuniting.

"Well, who wants to train?"

Kota smiled and asked with his arms crossed over his chest. His face seemed to be covered in darkness and his eyes like evil lights.

The pokemon, in his OG team (The First Pokemon: Original Team) flicked. Some gave awkward looks while others wanted to slip away.

Only Gyarados, Dragonite and Charizard were daring and courageous.

Meanwhile, Suicune, Larvitar, Sentret and Croconaw were unaware of the hardcore training.

Kota never trained them like he used to before. He wanted to make sure his pokemon knew the glory of being the strongest.
