
CHAPTER - 28 { A Clear Goal In Life }

Cinnabar island___

"What makes you hot but also cool, " A man with a big beard and bush hair came behind Kota.

"What the! Who are you?, " Asked Kota while retreating back from the man.

"I know! When you open the refrigerator and lie down with a blanket, it makes you hot and also cool at the same time!, " Ash raised his hand and answered the man's question eagerly.

"No it's not!, " The man almost felt the ground beneath him tremble.

"The hot spring makes you hot and the tourists think them cool!, " Misty shared her answer to which the weird man nodded.

"Am I ignored?, " Muttered Kota as he looked at the man and Misty.

"This place was so popular among the pokemon trainers but the tourists slowly started taking over!".

"Tourists, they have ruined this island!," The weird man fell to his knees and looked up in the sky.

"Aw come on, get up. You are embarrassing us, " Kota saw many people had their eyes on him all because of this weird man.

He is also the Gym Leader of Cinnabar Island, Blaine. Obviously, it was only known by Kota.

Blaine got up and cleaned his clothes. Ash asked whether he knew the gym or not.

"That's where you put your glasses!, " Said Blaine while trying to act mysterious.

"That?, " Said Kota as he pointed his finger towards the almost collapsed house.

"You are right! You seem pretty smart!, " Blaine nodded his head and praised Kota.

Explaining why the gym was no more, Blaine gave a card to Ash and vanished.

"Another riddle!, " Ash sighed looking at the front of the card as he saw the riddle written on it.

"Let's get going, " Kota didn't want to waste any more time for Misty to find the answer to the riddle.

"Follow me, " He lead the group towards the park from where the inn card that Blaine gave.

"Where are we going?, " Asked Ash as he caught up to Kota and looked at him.

"To the one that's on this card, " Kota put his finger on the card that Ash was holding.

"You solved the riddle so fast?, " Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu and Togepi exclaimed at Kota.

"I guess I am smart to remember some details, " Replied Kota, then he didn't mention it anymore.

* * *

Few minutes later___

After they reached the park, Kota showed the group what the riddle actually was.

Then they finally arrived at the front of the inn. As the door opened, Blaine welcomed them.

"I didn't expect you to solve the riddle this fast, " Blaine smiled at Kota and led them inside.

"The rooms here are for free, because Kota beat the record of the fastest riddle solver, " Arms over his chest, Blaine said while nodding his head.

"Your riddle may be dumb but your offers are dripping!, " Said Ash while looking at Blaine.

"I will take that as a compliment, " Blaine then let the group choose their rooms and prepare the dinner.

As they eat dinner, Kota browsers the latest news on his phone to find a trending vlog.

[How strong is Kota: The mysterious trainer!]

Kota almost spilled out the food in his mouth as he read the title of the vlog.


The landline rang, Blaine picked it up and answered the call. He came to know that the famous Pokemon Lab was under attack.

"We need to hurry!, " Urged Ash while picking up his pokeballs from his room.

"I will be behind you guys, go, " Said Kota, still sitting on the chair and eating his dinner.

"Okay, " As they left, Kota clicked on the vlog which started in a luxurious room.

"Welcome back guys! I am your Travel Vlogger, Mera! Today I am on a Cruise ship that is traveling towards Cinnabar island!".

Mera appeared in front of the screen with a Pink cotton t-shirt and pink shorts.

She showed her room and also didn't forget to share her thoughts on it.

"Let's go to the main hall!, " Mera bursted in energy and the camera angle changed to a first person perspective.

Kota skipped the first part and immediately played his clip in the vlog.

"I am handsome?, " Kota looked at himself on the phone and was stunned.

How did he become so handsome and cool?

The video clip was definitely edited, it mainly focused on him and his pokemons.

And how he scared the hell out of the Sea Pirates.


-Isn't that Kota, you were on the same Cruise ship with him! I am really jealous!

-How strong is this guy? He already has that huge Gyarados, the giant Tentacruel and also a Charizard, Gengar!!! Aaa! How will I win the Indigo League if it's like that!

-The guy above, you never had the chance.

-Does anyone have Kota' number? I have a daughter about his age who is very beautiful and we are rich.

-Aunty, I am also a handsome guy. Why not I, marry your daughter? I am just two or three years older, that's all!

-Get lost!

Kota was really satisfied with the video clip, he looked good in it.

Also, the vlog has now reached four million views within a few days.

Won't he become super popular by the time he participates in the tournament?

"Aa! My mind! It's distracted!, " Kota slapped his head and closed the vlog.

His goal is to become a strong pokemon trainer and also get some popularity.

If he is already lured by this small fame, how can he move forward and achieve even greater heights?

Finishing his dinner, Kota went to take a bath in the hot spring of the inn.

By the time Ash and the group returned, Kota had refreshed himself.

Kota sat on the sofa in the living room and relaxed.

Not much time is felt until he could get another gym badge, so why not enjoy it for now?
