
80. Pick One….James

"Stay with you?" James nearly screamed because of it.

'What the hell? Does she actually like me? Why she wants me to stay with her if she doesn't like me? Oh shit James, think about it clearly. She way too perfect and innocent for you, don't let that thought come into your head again.'

Diana nodded, she had to use another reason because she couldn't say that she needed him to made the guy who chased her all the time stay away, it way too harsh, and that's meant she should lie to him.

'Sorry James, I do want to stay with you and talk like this but I really need your help with this complicated problem. I just need you a little while to make this random guy stay away from me and stop chasing me. Sorry, and I will say it after all of this finish.'

"Yes," She answered shortly with a hard heart when she said it.

James still couldn't believe it, "But why?"
