
170. Preparation On The Way

""BIG MOM & KAIDO?""-All

"Wh-wh-what should we do?"Nami

"D-d-did we need to fight those 2 together?"-Chopper

The Straw Hats are surprised to hear that Big Mom & Kaido might made an alliance. An alliance between 2 Emperors is not a small matter. But this is still a possibility, as the Marine didn't hear the agreement between both Emperors.

"Haaa, i think it's because of us."-Jon

"What do you mean?"-Luffy

"Because we have made Kaido angry by destroying his SMILES. Then we also make problem with Big Mom yesterday."-Sanji

"They know we'll come to Wano, so Big Mom will go there too. We might need to face 2 Emperors at once."-Jon

"Th-then, can we cancel our plan in Wano?"-Chopper

"No, we have made a promise."-Luffy

"Yeah, i agree that we can't cancel it. We have allies in Wano, so we have higher hope to win. Even if we leave Wano, both of them will still chase us, as we've made them angry. We'll have a lot of allies in Wano, and the rest of our crewmates are there too, so it's impossible to abandon our plan."-Jon

"It's easy to say, but Emperor's power is not something that can be defeated by sheer number."-Pekoms

"He's right, we need to make preparation."-Sanji

"We need to get stronger, a lot stronger in some weeks. Let's use our time when we sail there to get stronger, even if it's only a little."-Jon

Everyone agree and they start to train from that day. Jon also ask Zetsu #1 to tell the Zetsus that stay with Zoro's group about the news. Wano is a closed country, so they won't hear any news from outside.

Jon give Luffy a seastone bracelet that he can wear & take off himself. Jon want Luffy to train effectively by weakening himself & train in that state. Jon also create a gravity seal in the Crow's nest that works like DBZ's gravity chamber. He just set it to be a little higher than normal gravity so they can get used to it. There's no way he'll make it to hundreds like DBZ.

Jon let the others train on their own, and he go to the rear deck. Jon stand on the railing and activate his ribs skeletal susanoo. Then he use his left eye to store the space inside the susanoo, and it break immediately.

"Hmm, it seem to be the wrong step."-Jon

'What are you doing?'-Kurama

"Compressing my susanoo until it reach my size. Then i'll use it as my armor."-Jon

'You have a strange idea again.'-Kurama

"But if it works, then my susanoo will be very tough."-Jon

Jon try again, but now he cut the space slowly. The ribs wheeze, and then cracks appear, but it hold for a moment before it break again. Jon see the possibility of success, so he keep trying.

At night, Jon will train his Senjutsu, and build the new seal. He also still train his body everyday like usual. Physical training is one thing that Jon never skip in normal condition.

Jon also use Kurama's chakra for some hours in a day. He want to hasten his body's adaptation with Kurama's chakra. All in all, his training schedule is very tight.

"Hey Sanji, let's do a different training, i'm bored."-Jon

"What kind of training?"-Sanji

"Let's pull the ship with geppo."-Jon

"!? Are you crazy?"-Sanji

"Come on, it will be fun, and also raise our geppo's power."-Jon

"....Fine, let's try it."-Sanji

Jon & Sanji prepare the ropes that they'll use to pull the ship. But when they're ready, more people also want to join. Well, it's just Brook & Carrot that want to join. Brook will run on water with his light weight, and Carrot will swim to pull the ship.

Nami didn't really care about this idea and just do her things. Luffy & Chopper are jealous because they can't use geppo or walk on water, or even swim. Pedro & Pekoms are not sure about this crazy idea.

"Ready? Go!"-Jon

""OORRAAA!""-Jon, Sanji, Brook, & Carrot

The 4 crazy guys pull the ship with the ropes that are tied to their body. They've furl the sail to avoid wind pushing the ship. They use their techniques to pull the ship with all they've got.

At first, the ship feel very heavy to pull, but it start to get lighter as it start to move. Finally the ship start to move faster and faster. After some minutes, the ship start to move at fast speed, altough not as fast as when they use the wind.




"Yohohohoho, the wind feel so good."-Brook

The 4 guys are competing as who's pulling it better. Meanwhile, Luffy & Chopper are still jealous of the 4. Pedro, Pekoms & Nami are doing their own business and train on their own.

While pulling, Jon have an idea, then he crouch like a beast. He try to use geppo on his hands too, but it's really hard. He thought that if he use 4 limbs, he will be faster.

"It seem i need to train my hands for mobility first."-Jon

"Can't you think of normal method to raise your speed?"-Sanji sweatdrop

"No, conventional way is always boring and i want some fun."-Jon

"Sigh, whatever."-Sanji

Jon then go down and run on the water with Brook. He start to use his 4 limbs to run like when he's in jinchuriki mode. It's certainly is a little faster, but his back start to hurt. He's not used to this position in his normal form.

Jon heal the pain with his medical jutsu, and he keep running on all 4. They do it for some hours until they got exhausted. Luckily, Sanji has cooked a lot of food before they start, so he don't need to cook again with his low energy.

The next day, Jon do it again, alone, as the others didn't want to do it again so soon. Jon now pull the ship that still get pushed by the wind. The ship is moving fast, so Jon need to run faster than the ship and still trying to pull it.

Jon keep doing this training on their way to Wano. He want to train his hands to be used to run on 4. He can only train this way when they're on the sea.

The Straw Hats & allies keep training for their next battle with Beast Pirates, and Big Mom Pirates. They can only grow stronger if they want to win against 2 Emperors at once. And after more than 2 weeks of sailing, they reach Wano Country's border, and they're fascinated the very stormy sea.

"Is this really Wano's border?"-Luffy

"Yeah, i've confirmed it many times."-Nami

*yoooooh~* *pon~*

"Just like what Kin'emon said, this place is very noticeable, and stop making that noise!"-Jon

"Yeah, but he never say about stormy a giant waterfall. What noise?"-Nami

"Wano must be located on top of this waterfall. But how will we climb it? Maybe my fart noise?"-Brook

*yooooooh~* *pon~*


Jon is very surprised to see a human sized octopus. The others also get surprised at the octopus's sudden entrance. They're too focused on the Wano's special barrier to notice the octopus.

They want to kick the octopus out from Sunny, but they don't have time for it. The storm become more violent, and they need to control the ship. These waves & currents are very chaotic & make the ship's control harder.

Suddenly the octopus make those noise again. But now it did it with tempo and make it sound like music. Then suddenly, a school of giant carps come out from the sea and create a current that control their ship & move it to the waterfall.

They see the giant carps start to climb the waterfall, & Luffy want to eat the carps. Luffy tied his legs to Sunny, then he extend his hands to catch the giant carps and their ship get pulled. Jon tell the others to activate the jet & breath dials to make the carps pull the ship easier.

Sometime later, they finally arrive on top & get out from the waterfall. However, what await them is not a calm water, but a giant whirlpool. Sunny got dragged into it, and they can't move it to the shore.


""ALRIGHT.""-Jon & Sanji

Jon & Sanji bring the others to leave the ship & go to the shore. Brook can run alone, so Jon & Sanji just need to bring Nami, Carrot, Pedro, & Pekoms. Unsurprisingly, Nami & Carrot asked Jon to carry them. They don't want to be carried by the pervert cook.

Luffy want to propel himself with his rocket technique. But when he's about to do it, the octopus catch him, and drag him to the whirlpool with the ship. The others are surprised, but can't do anything as it happen too fast.

Jon & co decide to go ashore first before searching Luffy. After they come ashore, Jon immediately go back to the whirlpool & jump inside. He need to find Luffy before Luffy get drowned, and he's the best sensor in the group.

Jon look around & try to find Luffy & Sunny, but ge didn't see them. The current is so strong that he can only follow it. Jon decide to just follow the current, because he assume that Luffy & Sunny also get pulled by the current.

Jon keep looking around, but still didn't find them. And sometime later, the current go up and he see the sun light. Jon follow the current to the shore, and he arrive on a beach.

Jon look around and try to find Sunny & Luffy. He didn't find them around here, so he jump to a high altitude. Jon look around with wider viewing range, and finally find Sunny a little far from his place.

Jon run to Sunny, and arrive shortly after that. Jon arrive just in time when Luffy knock out 2 unknown guys. Jon also see 2 big animals, a baboon, and a komainu (dog). Luffy scare the baboon with his haki, then Jon see a little girl that submitted herself to Luffy.

"Oi Luffy, what happen here?"-Jon

"!? Jon, are you get washed by the whirlpool too?"-Luffy

"I'm searching for you."-Jon have a tickmark

"Is that so? Well, i'm fine."-Luffy

"Yeah, i can see that. So what happen here?"-Jon

"These 2 guys suddenly attack me with this baboon. So i defeat them and scare the baboon."-Luffy

Suddenly they see the little girl pull out a small ball from her cheek. She feed it to the baboon and it become submissive to her instantly. Both pirates are dumbfounded, and she say that it's her kibi dango ability, she is a devil fruit user.

The little girl then introduce herself as O-Tama, and she invite them to her house to show her gratitude. But first, they need to hide Sunny, so Tama show a hidden cave to use. They bring the ship there, and Jon make a seal on the cave.

Jon then approach the 2 guys that Luffy has defeated, and know them, well their group. They're from Beasts Pirates, Kaido's crew. They seem to be scouts and lower rank members.

Jon use genjutsu to interrogate the 2 guys. He ask many question and finally know their task in here. They want capture Tama, because she mention Kozuki's name when they're harassing her. Kozuki family name is prohibited in Wano right now, so she need to be captured.

"Hmm, it seem the Beasts Pirates really have high authority here. It can even be said that they're the real ruler of Wano."-Jon

Jon finish his interrogation and go to Tama's house. They walk through the forest riding the komainu & baboon. While they go there, Jon spread his wood clones to gather information in Wano. He will gather as many information as possible, and make a thorough preparation to fight 2 Emperors.

With their arrival on Wano, their plan to take down the Emperor have started.
