
143. Road to Dressrosa

The Straw Hats leave Punk Hazard, and there are some guests. Law, Kin'emon and Momonosuke are joining them. Kin'emon & Momonosuke just didn't have anything and follow them to leave Punk Hazard. Law is alone without his crew and ship on Punk Hazard.

"So, why're you sending those 2's head to the sea with flare and denden mushi?"-Jon

"To lure someone."-Law


"Yeah, he must've moving to Punk Hazard right now. It will not take long for him to arrive, and there's something that i need to talk to him."-Law

Suddenly the denden mushi that is on standby make some sound. It has been connected to the one that Law sent with those 2 heads.

"Is that you, Doflamingo?"-Law

\Law, where are you right now?\-Doflamingo

"My location is none of your concern, i have something to talk to you."-Law

Law talk with Doflamingo, and Mingo ask about Caesar too. After letting Caesar speak, Law continue his talk with Mingo. He threatens Mingo using his business with Kaido, which is Smile.

With the factory in Punk Hazard destroyed, Mingo's business with Kaido will stop. That will make Mingo become the target of Kaido's anger. Mingo seem to panic and ask what Law want.

"Resign from your position as a Sichibukai!"-Law

\Hmm?\-Doflamingo sound surprised and angry

"It's just a small matter right? You will just go back to how it was before, being a normal pirate. But that also mean that the Marines and their Admirals will go after your head."-Law smirk

They continue their talk and Law want Mingo's resignation to be in newspaper tomorrow. Then Law close the call without waiting Mingo's answer. Jon ponder a bit before he speak.

"Hey Law."-Jon


"Is your target really Kaido? Or is it Doflamingo?"-Jon

"KA-KAIDO?"-Sanji, Brook, Kin'emon & Momo

"Hooh, an Emperor huh?"-Zoro

Jon & Law just stare at each other calmly.

"Why'd you ask that?"-Law

"Your tone. When you talk with that Flamingo, your tone sound like you have some grudge with him. I don't have any problem with fighting Flamingo and Kaido, but you better be transparent with this! We are working together here, at least we need to know the real target."-Jon

They stay silent for a while, before Law finally sigh.

"My primary target is Doflamingo, but in order to do that, i will provoke Kaido. Even so, i won't run after proviking that beast. Defeating an Emperor is also my target as a pirate."-Law

Jon silent for a while before he smile and lay down.

"It's good that you say the truth. It's good that you to told us that your aim is Kaido."-Jon


"If he just say his target is Doflamingo, then we won't know that Kaido will come to us. But if the target is Kaido, then Doflamingo can be the part of it. Furthermore, Luffy might not be interested in a Sichibukai."-Jon

"It's not just can be, he is the part of it. Even if i don't really target Doflamingo, we need to take him down if we want to fight Kaido. Because Dofflamingo has the key."-Law

Law then explain about Kaido's 5000 mens and most of them are devil fruit users. He also say that the key why they have so many devil fruit users is because there are artificial devil fruits. Those artificial devil fruits are SMILE, which Caesar made.

The crew get impressed at Caesar's ability, but Law say that it's from Vegapunk's research, make them disappointed at Caesar. Those devil fruits are being sold to Kaido for his mens. Those fruits are all Zoan type devil fruits.

Altough it didn't have full power of Zoan, but it still raise their power. The fruits also must have side efect, but Law didn't know what is the side effect. But that is also not their concern, because even if there's side effect, it's Kaido's mens that will have it.

Now with Caesar in their hands and the destruction of Punk Hazard, they've cut one of Kaido's power source. The Beasts Pirate won't get more devil fruits to use. The last factory of SMILE is on Dressrosa, which is Doflamingo's territory. So they will end up provoking him anyway.

When hearing that they're going to Dressrosa, Kin'emon ask to follow along. He has a friend that is incarcerated in Dressrosa, so he need to go there. Luffy agree, and let Kin'emon and Momo tag along.

After finishing their discussion, Jon go to his room. He start to read the information he got from Punk Hazard. He have interest on the Artificial Devil Fruits, SMILE. He got plenty of it, and if it's good, then he can give them to the ninjas in village.

Jon read that they're all zoan, but the type that the eater will get is unknown. It is also didn't give full transformation like real devil fruit, but just part of animals. It even have high failing rate, and the ones that fail will keep smiling & laughing. They're disabled to show other expression, but still have the side effect of can't swim.

"Damn, that's messed up. Didn't get any power, and can only laugh, but still can't swim. That's why it's named SMILE, the victims can only smile & laugh. There's no way i give these failures to my ninjas."-Jon

Jon won't give his ninjas these SMILEs. It will not help them at all, and Jon won't bet on probability about this. There're a lot of devil fruits in the world, and they don't have to be devil fruit users to be strong.

"Even what people considered as weakest devil fruit is better than this SMILE. I better call Koza, these fruits could be sold to other people than Kaido, and the ninjas might accidentally find it, they mustn't eat it."-Jon

Jon call Koza and tell him about the SMILE and prohibit them to eat it. They can steal it, but can't eat it, and Jon explain why. Koza understand and will do as Jon say, then he give report of some important thing.

\We have succeed to get 20% control in Alabasta's underworld. It's a good start i think, considering we're just starting 4 months ago.\-Koza

"Yeah, keep the good work, but don't rush things. We're not ready yet to confront all the forces there. Wait for a few days, because a big chance will come that time."-Jon

\Big chance?\-Koza

"Our crew will confront Joker, and when he get defeated, big turmoil will happen in underworld. That will be your chance to strike, so prepare everything now. At the very least, you will get Joker's portion of control in Alabasta."-Jon grin


"Shhh! No need to shout, and yeah, that's the plan. Don't worry, he is not an Admiral or Emperor, so we have high succes rate. Just make the preparation, it will happen this week."-Jon

\Alright, i understand.\-Koza

"How about Levely? Have you prepare everything?"-Jon

\Yeah, we will join as the ship crew, and we will try to get as much information there.\-Koza

"Alright, but be careful! You guys are still inexperienced, and your enemies there are experienced Cipher Pol and Marines. Don't rely on your luck, prioritize the Royals safety!"-Jon

\I know, we will just do what we can and not going too far.\-Koza

Koza then report the progress of the ninjas training. Surprisingly, some of them have start to awaken haki. Some only have observation, armament, or even both. None have shown to have Conqueror haki, but that's not a problem.

They also found some devil fruits and have use them. Jon has made a rule, that the one who found the devil fruit is the owner. They can eat it or give it to the village for contribution.

Now they have some devil fruit users in their village. But Jon have made sure that the leaders are still stronger than the other ninjas by giving them more techniques. Even without devil fruits, they're not weaker than the devil fruit users.

After Koza's report, Jon call Vivi and have some chat. They have casual talk, and then Vivi decide to surprise him. She has awaken her observation haki, altough not show anything about armament.

"Ooh, that's a good thing, but you need to keep training and raise your mastery."-Jon

\Yeah, i know. So, what's your plan right now?\-Vivi

"Well, we're planning to fight a Sichibukai, Donquixote Doflamingo."-Jon

\WHAT? Sichibukai again? Did you have some grudge with them?\-Vivi

"No, it's just that they're on our way, so we need to fight them."-Jon

Jon & Vivi talk sometime longer, but he didn't tell her about the plan with Kaido. It's almost time for Levely, so he won't stress her with more problem. She must've preparing many things for that event.

After the call with Vivi, Jon do some meditation and take a sleep. He wake up at night and do his night guard shift, and train in the crow nest. He also make shadow clones to train his jutsus outside.

Morning come, and they get today's newspaper. They look at it and really find Doflamingo's resignation news. Now they can finally fight Donquixote pirate without thinking twice.

Donquixote pirate is the ruler of Dressrosa Kingdom. Doflamingo is the King, and all of his crewmates have high positions in the Kingdom. If they fight them just like that, then it will be the same as opposing a Kingdom affiliated with WG.

A war with Sichibukai crew is different from a war with a Kingdom. If they have a war with Sichibukai, then WG won't interfere. But if they fight with a Kingdom affiliated with WG, then WG & Marine might move to help.

Suddenly, Doflamingo call Law's denden mushi. He ask about the agreement, and Caesar's condition. Law then tell him to make the deal in Green Bit. Law also tell Doflamingo to come alone.

Suddenly Luffy take over the phone, and he say that he will beat Mingo's ass. But 'Mingo' tell Luffy that he have what Luffy really want right now. Luffy think it's meats, a lot of meats and got drown in his imagination.

After closing the call, Law tell them that Caesar's return is just a cover. They will destroy the SMILE factory in Dressrosa. Altough he don't know the location, so they need to find it fast and destroy it.

They eat while discussing what to do in Dressrosa. Well, some of them are discussing, while the others are not. The job to find the factory is on Jon, he is the specialist.

While discussing, Kin'emon also explain that his friend, Kanjuro is on Dressrosa. He was captured when he helped Kin'emon and Momo to leave Dressrosa. That's why he will go there to free Kanjuro.

Jon still not trust their guests fully, be it Kin'emon, Momo, or even Law. He's still monitoring all of their movement in the ship. Jon will not blindly trust people, but he won't prosecute them either.

Law is a pirate, so he won't easily trust him, alliance between pirates are fragile. Kin'emon even attempt to take Zoro's Shusui before, so he is rather suspicious. At least he try it openly, so he's honest. Momo is Kin'emon's son, so he also need monitoring.

The day went by, and nothing remarkable happen. At night, Jon is on his night guard duty, and the others are sleeping. Jon take his denden mushi and secure the line, then he call Dragon.


"It's Deadpool here."-Jon

\Oh, it's you, kiddo. Why'd you call me?\-Dragon

"We will destroy Joker, you better move everyone to raid his business. Dressrosa will be a free real estate, his ships and bases on every seas are also easy target."-Jon

\Yeah, i also have planned to raid his business, especially in Dressrosa after his resignation. The staff head even want to go there himself after reading your alliance news.\-Dragon

"Ooh, bet he want to meet his brother. If you have planned it, then good. But don't make a move on Alabasta's underworld! It will be even better if you help them."-Jon

\No problem.\-Dragon

Jon also ask Dragon to help finding the factory. Then he end his call with Dragon, and continue his night guard shift.
