
48. Long Ring Long Land

The Strawhats have arrived and sail on blue sea again. They do their usual activity when sailing and there's no disturbance since they landed. Jon also has decide to accept the Mind Manager, so he talk to his friends first because he will be unconscious for 3 days and need some help.

"Hear me and keep calm alright, i have an important technique to do and it will make me unconscious for 3 days full."-Jon


"Huh? What's with that reaction? I will be out for 3 days you know"-Jon

"Well, but you didn't say you will die or anything, so we're not that worried."-Nami

"...Sigh, alright alright. So i will need your help, especially you Chopper. I need nutrition for my 3 days sleep so please take care of it."-Jon

"Alright, leave it to me!"-Chopper

"Also, if something happen and even if i can die, never ever wake me up. If i don't wake up on my own, i will certainly die. But i will be safe if you just let me sleep quietly."-Jon


"WAIT! Why must you do this dangerous technique if it can take your life?"-Nami

"Because i can die soon if i don't do this."-Jon

He lied a bit this time, he really can die early if he met someone with mind control. Or worse, his friends can die too. If mind control is like strong genjutsu, he can help his friends get out from it. But if he's the one getting controlled, it will be over because no one can get them out of it.

He might be too paranoid, but he can't lose someone important to him again. His crewmates are his family in this world where he didn't have anyone again. So he will do anything to protect them. He lied a bit so they won't be suspicious, but he also feel bad telling them he can die.

The crew of course surprised hearing this. They don't know what happen with Jon that he can die soon. So they bombard him with questions, and he wait till they stopped before answering.

"Calm down! Hear me, i said i can die not will die. It's like an illness because i train this ninja art. I have found a solution but it will take me out for 3 days. If i wake up in these 3 days, my brain will take massive damage and it will kill me. So i need you to guard me and don't do anything that will wake me up."-Jon

They think for a while and agree. They just need to not disturb him for 3 days and it will be over. Jon make his preparation and he take out some necessities that the crew need for 3 days from his inventory. Chopper also make some preparation for Jon's comatose treatment.

Jon take out a coffin and it have soft cussion inside. He actually found it inside the shop, and it seem to be daimyo's coffin. It seems comfortable and he will not fell from bed with this. There's also cover to prevent something fall to him when no one guard him. The materials also very durable and strong.

"You don't need to use coffin too alright."-Nami

"But this is the most comfortable, i will not fall from bed, you can cover it with the lid so something will not fall to me. It's just a bed with coffin shape, just look at that soft cushion."-Jon

"Alright alright, just do what you want."-Nami

Jon then put it in the corner of the room and make holder to prevent it from moving. After that he lay there and Chopper put all the medical necessities for him there. After confirming everything is ready, Jon start the procedure.

[Mind scan start in 3...2...1...Start!]

Jon feel like he's being pulled to the water and drowned before he lost his consciousness. The crew look at him closing his eyes and understand it has start. Chopper checked Jon's condition and he's fine. He just like sleeping normally.

Nothing special happen after Jon got asleep. The crew just checking and take turns to guard Jon. Chopper routinely check his condition. Jon sleep after lunch time, so he will wake up at fourth day if this is first day. The first day passed without incident.

On the second day, the crew met some marines ship but they easily escape. They don't bother fighting or it will shake the ship and waking Jon up. They have escape before marines can notice them.

"How's his condition Chopper?"-Nami

"He is fine, just like yesterday. He looks like he just sleep normally. But when he wake up, he will need many food to fill his energy. It's only 24 hours since he slept but his nutrition intake is higher than normal. He will need more after 3 days."-Chopper

"It's okay if he's fine"-Luffy

"Yeah, but we will need more food supplies. You guys also eat more than usual. Maybe the effect after eating sky island's food that are lighter than normal food."-Sanji

Other problem also happen today. Their food supplies gone at faster rate than usual. So it will gone completely tomorrow at lunch and Jon will wake up the 2 days again because tomorrow noon will be 48 hours since he sleep.

The supplies are all in Jon's inventory, and they have taken it all. So they need to get it themselves for tomorrow. They start fishing like usual, but without Jon's chidori fishing, they take a longer time to get many fishes.

"Yoosh, let's make a match for who can get the biggest catch like usual."-Luffy

"Hahaha, of course i will win. I will show you my 50 years experience at fishing."-Usopp

"Really? So cool."-Chopper

They do their match until it became dark and the winner is Luffy. Usopp actually baited a seaking but he lost it because he can't beat it. The seaking got beaten by Luffy instead, so it counted as Luffy's catch.

"You know Chopper, if i'm serious, i can get that seaking. I just want to make Luffy happy, that's all"-Usopp

"REALLY?! That's cool"-Chopper

"Oh, Usopp, there's a seaking there. I will throw you there, so catch it for us!"-Zoro



"Usopp, there's no seaking at all"-Chopper

"Pfft, hahahaha"-others


They just continue their day like usual. Even with this many supplies, it will not be enough for a week with their appetite. Beside, with Sanji's cooking, it will never be enough.

At the third day nothing unusual happen and they got many fishes too. But when the night come, suddenly they met a strange situation. They got surrounded by 3 monkeys, no, sea monkeys.

"W-what are those?"-Chopper


"N-no, it's sea monkeys"-Usopp

"Ms Navigator, we better get away from them"-Robin

"Huh? Why? Can't we just beat them?"-Nami

"Sea monkeys are rather troublesome. They can create a big wave like tsunami that can swallow a ship. They're playful and like to make big wave to drown ships."-Robin

Just when Robin finished, a big wave emerged behind them, and there's three monkey face on that wave. They start to sail fast, with Nami's instruction. Usopp even use some breath dials to make the ship move faster.

The crew finally escape the sea monkeys and continue their sailing. The next morning, they feel a little restless. Today Jon will wake up if he's succeed in his technique, that's what they think. When they think about it, a strange ship appear. It didn't have flag, sail, and the crew seem depressed.

"What's with that ship? It has no flag or sail at all. The crew also seem very depressed and down."-Usopp

"Maybe they got an accident."-Nami

"No, they look fine, and their ship also fine. Only lost sail and flag but it didn't get damage at all."-Usopp

When they passed by each other, the wave behind them got very big again and it's because of the sea monkeys.

"Shit, they come again. Let's run from them, those monkeys are troublesome."-Luffy

"Hey, there's a ship!"-Crew A

"Let's raid them, we will get rich!"-Crew B

"Where's captain- Ah, he's gone"-Crew C

"What should we do?"-Crew D

"Hey you guys, go away from here. There's a big wave in front of you"-Luffy

The Strawhats run away but the strange ship didn't run. The crew seem to be very confused at what they should do. It seems don't have captain and navigator so they don't know what to do. They finally got drowned by the wave and the sea monkeys go following the drowned ship.

"They seem to be pirates, but they don't have navigator. They don't even have Captain or Vice-captain too."-Sanji

"Why are they sailing then?"-Usopp

"Who knows"-Luffy

Sometime later, they arrive on an island that only filled with grass and some tall trees. The island look very empty. It didn't have town or even village from what they could see.

"How's he Chopper?"-Zoro

"He's fine, and he will wake up soon if what he say before is true. Sanji, please make a lot of food with balanced nutrition."-Chopper

"Yeah, leave it to me!"-Sanji

Luffy, Usopp and Chopper left immediately after Chopper checking Jon and give him nutrition shot. The other stay on the beach where they docked. There's no people or town here, so they feel hesitant to leave.

While staying near the ship, suddenly a strange ship come and they shot two chains that trapped Merry from moving anywhere. They're from Foxy pirates and they want to challenge them into a pirate game, Davy Back Fight. This will be a game where they bet the crew member, and only Captain can accept this game.

"Our captain, Foxy has went to meet your captain and challenge him to this game."-Crew A

"We will not accept that game"-Nami

"Too bad but only captain can decide it. Crew member can't decide participation."-Crew B

"You must always hold to your bet or you will lose your pride"-Crew C

"Why should i care about pride?"-Nami

"I rather die than living without pride."-Zoro

"Sorry Nami-san, but i agree with him"-Sanji

"Hmph, boys are really stupid. Holding pride for no reason when you're a pirate."-Nami

"Hihihi, just give up. That is how boys are"-Robin

Nami want to stop Luffy from accepting when they heard two gun shot. A shot was heard a while ago, means the challenge issued, and the shot just now is acceptance. Luffy has accept the challenge.

Unknown to the ones near the ship, the three have found a house and met an old man that got trapped on the very tall slits for 10 years. There's also a tall horse that wait for him in these 10 years. The old man named Tonjit, while the Ho~rse is Cherie. The old man explain this island name is Long Ring Long Land island. All the things here is long and their name became lo~ng.

When the old man and his ho~rse walk around celebrating their reunion, the ho~rse got shot and it's legs are trapped by a net. The one that shot the net is a man with split hair, no, split head, and there are a woman and a man too.

The split head is Foxy, the captain from the pirates on the beach. He challenged Luffy into Davy Back Fight. Luffy that got angry seeing Cherie got shot accept it even tough Usopp try to stop him because he know about Davy Back Fight.

The Strawhats can only accept because Luffy has accepted. The Foxy pirates prepare many things for the games. They seem very experienced and had done this a lot. They even make it like a festival with many food stall.

"Luffy, why are you accepting his challenge, if we lose they will take someone from our crew."-Nami

"They made me angry, so i will beat them. We only need to win."-Luffy

"Sigh, just give up Nami! I have warn him too before but it's not working."-Usopp

While the Foxy pirates preparing the game, the Strawhats are gathering near their ship. Sanji is cooking so many food while the other except Luffy, sending the food inside the ship.

"Oya, why are you preparing so many food? You can just buy at our stall here"-Foxy

"Heeh, your timing to challenge us is really bad. You just take this time when a monster will wake up from his slumber."-Sanji

The crew also try to look scary so they can intimidate their opponent.


Suddenly the kitchen ware that was sent inside the ship keep flying out and there's a loud munching sound, make them silent. Then suddenly it all stopped and they all heard a footstep and then the door open with a 'BANG'.

