
Oh oh....


I had withdrawn to my safe Haven aka my office for three hours or even more and it was getting dark out .

It was six pm by my watch .

I had caged myself in my office just to escape the guilt I felt to lashing out at Alana when I hadn't even heard her side of the story .

But it seemed as if this guilt was omnipresent and wouldn't let me go anywhere without following me .

The tiny voice in my conscience wasn't helping the case by constantly shouting at me telling me the things that could have been wrong with her .

What if she had lost a relative ? , What if she was sick herself and was at the hospital , what if she met with an accident .

I so badly wanted to know that emergency she had mentioned , what could it be .

I just shut the Shakespearean I had been trying to read every time I had a little chance in the office .

It had been on the shelf for so long that it had collected so much dust and I was determined to finish it .
