
DO NOT OPEN - Author's Note ( same as Chapter 153 Notes )

! The final chapter of this story will is Epilogue (Part 2).

All chapters following that one are Author Notes and are published so that everyone gets access to the final privilege chapters. They all contain this same content.

(It's complicated. I know)

It turns out, since I have enabled privilege, I need to mark as complete the book in order for the final chapters to be released. But checking "complete on a book" is an irreversible process.  And I hoped I might add additional or alternate storylines.

But I do not want those of you who have not purchased privilege to have to wait for the ending of this story.

Hence why I will release these duplicate Author Notes chapters until every last one of the Book's chapters are published.

Stay safe!


Tomorrow I will publish the final chapter.

It is such a bittersweet moment.

But I was thinking I could write a side story, or an alternate plot.
