

"What was that ring all about?" Kyle asked his sister and Stefan when they came home that night. He didn't believe with the excused that Stefan said about the couple ring. He noticed that their family register was gone yesterday and heard the news about the ring, he already had a faint idea but he didn't say anything.

They were all having dinner together, her family purposely waited for them to come home. Cayenne smiled and took out the necklace and showed them the ring.  "This is the couple ring that Stefan gave me yesterday."

"Wow!" Luiz exclaimed with wide eyes. "This must be very expensive. Look at these glittering diamonds!"

"It's nothing." Stefan commented. "Your sister deserves the best of everything."

"That's true." Luiz agreed.

"Just a regular ring, not an engagement?" Emerald asked. "I'm not against you two but I don't want you to be rushing yourself and get married. I want you to get know each other more."
