

The day began very early in the morning. I started by gathering people, then we proceeded with buying supplies. They were not happy that I woke them so early, but I already declared I will yesterday, so they just had to deal with it. There was nobody else in the city center at this hour, so we had the device just for ourselves.

We filled the carts to the brim and departed. My plan was crazy, but I didn't give them a choice. We were to reach the canyon before the dark and made it all the way to the first safe spot, then camp there.

From the very beginning, the tempo was high. We were basically half running there with only short breaks for food and other physical needs. Pushing through the goblin territory didn't even slow us, as my new shadow friends were more than enough for the task.

They were a surprise for others, but they didn't complain upon witnessing how helpful they were in clearing the path ahead of us.
