
Conflicted Contradictions

The next day, Marvel and I visited the same whiskey company as yesterday to review what we had sampled. We didn't get to finish everything as we fled away in the middle of it - actually, I dragged him with me forcefully.

I didn't spot Renaud Yann in the warehouse so it was kind of relieving. Not that I was intimidated by him… Just, I don't want to deal with a person like him.

After signing some documents with the company as a form of partnership in the following year, Marvel left the office building when I told him to get to our car first because I needed to use the restroom.

The basement was flooded with artificial lights, blossoming into a warmer air, making it less dark. The clacking sound of footsteps and the vehicles coming in and out was a daily scene.

"As someone who has the same preference, I can tell how much you love whiskeys."
