
True evil is, above all things, seduction.

Despite Marvel's tendency to act coldly and selfishly most of the time, I knew he was a sweet person - and perhaps, a bit romantic as well - but when I said that he was gentle, he was gentle, kind, caring, loving, and the list went on and on because I couldn't mention the emotions I felt because of him one by one.

Like a stack of unorganized puzzle pieces, with different colors and shapes, I need to arrange them to reveal the whole image they hold - as a person, Marvel is like that.

One time, Marvel was sweet and gentle. Other times, he was violent and heartless. There was always something that triggered it, so I believed he acted depending on how other people behaved in front of him.

What I knew about Marvel, he always gave off the vibe that he was conscious every time he did something wrong, but he didn't mind it because he thought he did it for the right reason. He looked like he had no regrets, but sometimes he seemed gloomy and lonely.
