

Hip hop.

That was our specialty, the way we moved, the way we can come up with a dance on the spot, mesmerized everyone around us.

That's why we were so well known, at 'The 8' anyone can dance, but it takes talent to be the best.

It takes a certain talent to be put in a group of only the best, that's my group, we've pushed ourselves to the top.

No one has entered the group for years now, being the best dance group in Nitro has its perks, competing against others at competition's.

Always taking First Place, that's why we're known, because we've always been the best, so when we all stepped foot into that dance room, everything went quiet.


"So this year some of you are and some of you are returners..-

Rolling my eyes I turn to look at Jay, his head turns to me a small smirk is present on his face.

"Are you bored too?" Mouthing the words to him his gaze immediately falls to my lips, his smirk widens, bringing his hand up he gives a quick flick to my forehead.

"AISH! You stupid fucki-" I draw my hand getting ready to hit him, his laughing gets loud, my hand comes to a halt as I listen to my surroundings.

'Thats weird'  I think to myself, it's wayyyy too quiet in here, turning my head I look towards the front of the room.

The teacher is giving us the death glare, "since you two can't stop talking, let's see how good you can dance. Front of the room, NOW!"

I snap my head over to the boys, scoffing as I watch them laugh at us, I shift my eyes over just a bit and look at Jay.

"Is she like serious..-" "NOW!"

I throw my hands up in surrender as she yells one more time, jay being the first one to move.

'Shit shit I'm coming damn, gonna make me def one day' rolling my eyes I follow after him, standing right next to him our backs facing the rest of the students.

"You two are going to show me how good you are at Contemporary, I know this is a HipHop class BUT since you didn't want to listen... this is your punishment."

I smirk when I see Jay smile at me through the mirror, 'this lady is serious? Like come on....'


When you're the best at what you do you learn EVERYTHING, so contemporary and ballet is something we do on our free time, me and Jay are ranked the top male and female lead dancers at 'The 8'

Being pared to dance together is like breathing, we're ALWAYS dancing together, either that or I'm with one of the other boys.

We've gotten used to being a pair, always the best with the best, so when he smiles at me I smile back, I'm confident.

He knows my body like the back of his hand, the way we dance together, the way we fit together, it's like when the wind blows and picks up leaves on the way.

The wind carries it against itself, fluttering through the air, traveling to Nowhere, it's just Dancing.


"I'm going to play some music and I expect you two to AT LEAST try your best" turning around her sentence comes off snooty, walking over to the speaker she turns it all the way up.

I look at the boys through the mirror, cocky smirk etched all over their faces, snickering to themselves.

They know we always do this, they know we're about to show this teacher that we're prepared to dance, it's as easy as walking, and we're about to walk ALL over her.

My head snaps up as I recognize the song, I smile as I look at Jay, this song brings back memories.

As the music starts I immediately turn my back to Jay, his hands come around my waist, our competition routine plays vividly in my head, if she wants the best... then we're gonna preform our best.

Hands across my chest, I snap them up, bringing them into his hair from over my head, slowly his hands trail up, his fingers dance over my skin and they run up my arms.

Grabbing my wrists he pulls my hands down, I spin my body around as he holds onto one of my wrists, our emotions express our fighting in the dance.

It's a battle of love and loss, I spin out of his grip, his fingers touch mine as he tries to grab at me.

Coming parallel to him my head turns to the mirror, both of our arms swing out infront of us, getting ready to turn at the same time.

My back to him I wrap my arms around myself, slowly he walks up behind me, moving my hair from off my shoulder he grips my neck softly.

Rotating my head I roll it back and to the front as I spin in his grip, holding me tightly to his chest he spins me so that we are right next to each other.

Taking a deep breath we run forward, our legs come out as we jump in the air, i shut my eyes and throw my head back as I do.

Landing I throw myself to the floor, on my knees I cry, his hand comes to my back as I push it off, grabbing my wrist he pulls me up harshly.

I go to pull myself out of his grip, pulling me harder I spin and land into his chest, wrapping himself around me he grabs my waist as I jump.

Wrapping my legs around him I hug his shoulders, spinning us around I lay my head on top of his, he hugs my body tighter to his like he is apologizing.

Letting my emotions flow I shudder, crying onto him as I pull him tighter, accepting his apology.

Slowly he stops, my legs unwrap from around him as my body slides down his, my feet touch the floor as he brings his hand up, gently wiping my tears away as the music stops.

' mesmerized they watch... how their bodies fit together, how she cries with emotion... but the tears aren't real, it's apart of the dance.... just how do they do that.'
