
Traitor Among Us

Madara and Vanessa woke up to a scream. Already, Madara was in a bad mood. If he knew the headaches after drinking was that bad, he still would've done it.

When he woke up, he could see Vanessa still laying on top of him. He smiled a little before she got up. When she did, she rubbed her eyes and looked at Asta, Noelle, Finral, Gauche, and Yami.

Noelle and Finral had a face of shock and jealousy. Vanessa could see it and wondered why they looked like that until she looked down.

She looked down to see she was sitting on Madaras' lap. Even some of his shirt came up and you could see his extremely ripped body for a fifteen-year-old. She also felt something but didn't bring it up.

"What's with all the noise...? I have a headache and you're not helping it..." Vanessa said, rubbing her head while still sitting on Madaras' lap.

"Oi, Madara. Did you and Vanessa have a good sleep? I don't know anything about drinking, but I heard it makes you go to sleep." Asta said, making everyone look at him.

'His pure mind and soul...'

"Yeah, we're fine," Madara said, getting up from the couch.

"You guys weren't doing anything, right?" Noelle asked, still in shock.

"We slept together. What did you expect to happen?" Madara said, looking at Noelle making her blush in embarrassment.

"Well, you know. When a boy and a girl-" Noelle said, before getting cut off.

"You don't have to explain anything. Nothing happened. We had a few drinks as you can see, and went to sleep." Madara said, walking to his room.

"Hey! Meet us in the cafeteria in ten minutes!" Charmy said, peeking through the cafeteria doors.

'Wait... if Charmy was here, then she had to have seen if they did something.' Noelle said, looking determined to find the truth.

"Noelle... Don't tell me you're jealous..." Vanessa said, making her way to Noelle with a grin on her face.

"W-W-What?! Why would I be jealous if you guys only slept together?!" Noelle said, turning her head, trying to her blush.

"Only? So if we did something else, you would be jealous?" Vanessa said as a wide grin spread across her face.

"N-NO! Why would I care what you and that idiot do?! It's not like I care!" Noelle said, walking off angrily to the cafeteria.

Not long after, everyone was in the cafeteria. In front of him, was a pile of tato pies. It was a celebration of Asta's full recovery.

Magna announced it was a contest and a contest was a challenge. Madara would always accept a challenge.

Madara didn't have an answer as to why he had such an appetite. How long has he been sleeping? Looking at the food in front of him made his stomach growl.

Yami was the judge of the competition. Before anything started, Madara used a little water magic on the pies, so they wouldn't be entirely dry.

"Ready... Go." Yami said as Madara, Asta, and Charmy started eating like there was no tomorrow.

With the water magic, it makes the pies a little more enjoyable to eat. Without having to wonder if you were going to choke or not wasn't a thought you should have while eating.

Not long after, Madara finished his pies. He looked over to see that Charmy and Asta were still eating.

"The winner is... Charmy!" Yami said, making Madara extremely confused.

He then looked up to see, that all the pieces were still in front of him. He found out as soon as he sat down, he passed out.

He also found out, when he used his water magic, it didn't reach the pies, instead, it hit Yami. Yami shook it off because he unconsciously did it.

An owl then came through a portal, dropped off a letter, then left. The letter said that the Wizard King wanted Madara, Asta, and Yami. Madara was extremely confused about why Julius wanted Asta to come along.

He already broke the barrier and if they tried to run, he had magic, and fighting skills to restrain them. Although he was confused, he wasn't going to question it.


Standing in front of Marx, Yami introduced him as mushroom head. Asta followed along, but Madara could care less what his name was.

"Madara, the Wizard King has informed me to have you join the conference with the other captains," Marx said, making Asta and Yami look at him.

"Are you getting nominated to captain, Madara? Possibly getting your own squad?" Yami said, making Asta's eyes gleam with excitement and shock.

"Whhaaaaaaat! You're getting your own squad?! So lucky!" Asta shouted, looking at Madara with admiration.

"He's not getting a squad. Julius has just asked me to tell him to join the conference with the other captains." Marx said, clearing the confusion.


"Remind me again, why this peasant is here? Isn't this a meeting for captains? Not bugs." Nozel said, shooting dirty glares at Madara.

"To think that four captains let the terrorist get away," Gueldre said, with the shittest grin on his face.

Madara tuned them out because he didn't want to listen to them. After Rill made his Fuegoleon impression, William then came into the room. He glanced at Madara who only glanced back.

The tension in the room got thick after some were suspected William of being the traitor.

Yami was getting angry from sitting in the room for too long. Then, Marx told them that they had to relocate. Madara stayed behind the captains and some found it suspicious.

All eight captains stood in front of Asta, Marx, Julius, and the two that we're capture. Madara was by the door because he knew hammy was going to run.

"Why did you call us here, Wizard King?" William spoke out and said.

"Those two are from the Eye of the Midnight Sun... Did you learn something from them?" Charlotte asked curiously.

"Yes. Several things, thanks to Madara, Marx, and Asta. This is the biggest one. I've learned that there is a traitor among you who is working with the Eye of the Midnight Sun." Julius said, making some have either shocked, scared, or blank faces.

"Now, before we get into that..." Julius said as he made eye with Madara. Madara nodded because that was the signal.

Madara made thick wood around the ankles of the captains. Some were confused, but then again, they realized that there was a traitor.

But most importantly, William looked back to Madara. What was around his ankles wasn't tree magic, it was something else. William tried to move, but it was to no avail.

"Now tell me, who is the traitor," Julius said, looking at the captives.

"The captain of the Purple Orcas' Gueldre Piozot." The captives said, making Gueldre nervous. The rest of the captains looked to him while he tried to make up an excuse.

"Impossible! Th-They're terrorists that attacked our beloved nation! You'd believe what they're saying?" Gueldre said, trying to get himself out of trouble.

Everyone then started stating how they heard rumors of him. Since he was getting nowhere on trying to convince them, he opened his grimoire. Before he could say anything,


Gueldre noticed he had gotten shorter. He then looked down to see his legs were gone. He was now sitting in a pool of his own blood. He hadn't noticed his legs were gone until he looked down. That's when the pain hit him.

He started screaming like a madman. When he turned around, he saw that Madara had his legs. Madara released the binding on the other captains as they back away not to get blood on themselves.

"You deserve worse," Nozel said, looking at Gueldre with pure disgust, hatred, and disdain.

"You idiots! I'll just bleed out and you'll never get the information you need." Gueldre said while laughing like a maniac.

Soon everyone came to that realization because they wouldn't have a healer anytime soon. And if they did, they wouldn't make it in time.

Madara then walked over to Gueldre and his hand glowed a green color. In a matter of seconds, the bleeding stopped. Gueldre stopped laughing because he knew he was out of options.

"This is all your fault!" Gueldre shouted at Madara before Marx cast a spell on him.

While searching through his memories they found out everything he was doing. To abusing his squad members, embezzling funds, selling national treasure class magic items on the black market... And smuggling dangerous magic potions from other countries.

After having a discussion, Julius told them not to tell the public. They all did the clover sign and left. Julius asked Yami, Madara, and Asta to stay behind, but made up an excuse and said he'll be back.

While the captains were walking off, Madara just barely missed who Ryha was transformed into.

"Hey, Ryha," Madara called out making him turn around. Madara had his Sharingan active and they made direct eye contact.

"When you see Sally, tell her Madara is waiting for you," Madara said, while Ryha had a blank expression on his face. Once he saw Sally, he would immediately say it, and the genjutsu would be broken.

Madara disappeared into the ground before he could regain his senses.

"That's weird," Ryha said, digging in his ear as he went through a portal.

I might be doing longer chapters. If you want me to do long or short chapters it's going to be a poll in the chapter comments.

TruePlugcreators' thoughts