
Final Test

[Bronze Creation Magic: Magnum Cannonball]

A transparent aqua-colored sphere surrounded him. When it came together, it had an intricate pattern on the surface and cannons coming out of it.

"That's pretty decent for an exam candidate." Finral said to Yami impressed by Sekke's magic.

"Doesn't he look like that spiky bug from the Mimo Amazon?" Yami said showing little to no interest in him.

Flipping the pages in his black grip moire, Asta pulled out a dirty giant black sword. Plunging off the ground with so much force that it cracked the ground beneath his feet.

For most people, Asta's small figure turned into a blur, but Madara and the captains could see him. When Asta appeared, he was seen holding his dirty sword above his head.


"HAAAAA!" Asta screamed.

Cutting through his magic like butter, the power behind Asta's attack made a crater when it crashed into Sekke.

A crowd showing pity turned into a shock. Looks of shock spread across the captains and the examinees. The only people that were indifferent when seeing this were Yuno and Madara. Madara had a calm expression while Yuno smiled at Asta's performance.

With Sekke unconscious and foam coming out of his mouth.

"Is no one going to check on him?" Someone said in the crowd.

Asta rested his giant sword on his shoulder and said, "I'm not joining the Magic Knights so I can have a good time and avoid working hard. I'm here to work my butt off and become the Wizard King!" Asta said with a look of determination.

"Is that... sword magic?"

"Wasn't he just some loser from the boonies?"

"What the heck?"

"Who is he?"

"He just... said something about the Wizard King."

"All of you shut up! I told you, I'm going to become the Wizard King!" Asta shouted at the crowd.

"What the heck is hat peasant from the boonies saying?"

"Is he stupid?"

"Must be embarrassing, being a completely delusional idiot."

"Just get out of here already, you stupid brat!" Someone yelled to Asta as healing mages came.

The next match was against royalty vs royalty. One used water magic and the other used earth magic. Madara could've copied him, but he'd rather copy Sol's because her earth magic seemed stronger. In the end, the earth using an earth golem to smash him into the ground.

The next match was Yuno vs some blonde hair royal who was twisting his hair constantly. Madara got his Sharingan active, ready to copy his lighting magic. Something he was looking for in the future was using the Lightning Cloak.

"The God of Lightning Rising Salim"

A large ball of lightning was created in front of the blonde-haired boy. Madara copied his magic and his grimoire started shaking. He forcefully held it shut. He did the same when he copied William Vengeance tree magic.

Pushing his hand forward, the large ball of lightning shot toward Yuno. With his grimoire open, Yuno cast a spell.

"Wing Magic: Towering Tornado"

Strong gusts of wind filled the area, as a large tornado appeared in front of Yuno. The tornado stopped the lightning ball and the blonde boy was caught in it.

Getting hit by strong gusts of wind and his lightning, he was knocked unconscious. Everyone cheered for him for being able to defeat a noble.

The matches went on, as nothing caught Madaras' attention. The flames were too weak, the water was too weak, any other lightning user was too weak. Madara needed something stronger.

When the sun was setting, everyone except Madara had battled. When the last match was over, Madara instantly made his way to the center. Madara looked to Charlotte who still had that calm expression.

The captain of the Golden Dawns looked to Charlotte. She nodded her head, as she got up from her seat.

"Char! You don't need to go down there!" Sol said from behind Charlotte.

"I accepted the challenge. How would I look if I declined after seeing his abilities?" Charlotte asked leaving Sol lost for words.

Charlotte jumped down and walked forward, only stopping a few meters away from Madara.

"I didn't think she was going to do."

"Seeing how strong he is, do you think he will hit her?"

"No, she is a female. He wouldn't do that."

Hearing them talk, Madara only smiled. On the battlefield, it doesn't matter if you're a female. Madara didn't care who he was fighting. Whoever was brave enough to step to him would equally get their ass beat. Simple.

"Begin!" The announcer called out.

Charlotte instantly opened her grimoire to take out a whip made of Briar. Green vines with sharp thorns and blue roses were what came out of her grimoire.

*Swoosh!* *Boom!*

Madara disappeared from where he was once standing, as he reappeared with his hand in Charlotte's stomach.


Charlotte spat out spit, as Madara made sure to hold back and not damage anything internally. While she was stunned by the unexpected punch in her gut, Madara took his free hand.

From his thigh up, Madara uppercut Charlotte off her feet and into the air. In a quick motion, Madara grabs Charlotte's wrist and slams her into the ground. The force of the slam made Charlotte spit more spit, as the power behind the slam created a crater beneath her.

All of it happened so quickly. No one could comprehend what just happened. The first one to snap out of their shock was Sol. She got so angry that she jumped down from above with her grimoire open.

"Earth Creation Magic: Rampaging Mother Earth"

A highly muscular golem appeared from the ground. Sol was on its shoulder, as she commanded it to attack Madara. The golem brings its fist down on Madara and like that everyone thought it was over.

All of a sudden, the arms of the golem could be seen moving upward. Then, the golem's arms were completely torn off. Sol along with everyone else had their mouth open from shock. Madara sets the arms ablaze, as he levitates above Sol and creates a massive ball of fire.

"She's going to die."

"If she doesn't move she's going to die!"

"He wouldn't right?" Asta asked himself looking at Madara with a massive ball of fire over his head with releasing killing intent.

"S-s-stop." Someone said in a quiet weak voice. Recognizing the voice, Madara dispelled his fireball and descended to Charlotte.

He could see she was still conscious and was about the witness the murder of her friend. Madara then knelt over Charlotte and put his hand over her stomach. A green light could be seen coming from his hand, as all of Charlotte's injuries were healed.

Madara looked to the announcer who was just as shocked as everyone else. Seeing his gaze, the announcer announced Madara as the winner. Madara helped Charlotte up and walked back into the crowd.

Sol then rushed to Charlotte who was looking at the back of Madara. "Char, are you ok?" Sol asked with worry in her voice.

"Do you know you could have gotten yourself killed?" Charlotte asked in an angry tone.

"But Char, he could have killed you!" Sol argued back.

"Did you sense of malicious or killing intent from him? It was a battle that I accepted and lost. You had no right to interfere." Charlotte said as she walked by Sol who was lost for words.

At that moment, Sol began to build hate toward Madara. It was his fault that Charlotte got injured and it was his fault for making her have a reason to interfere. Sol put her head down, and quietly followed behind Charlotte.

"That concludes the exam. Now... Candidates whose number are called, please step forward." William said to the crowd.

"The squad captains will raise their hands if they would like you to join their squad. The candidates will decide if they would like to accept or decline, and if they are chosen by more than one captain, they may choose which squad they'd like to join." Charlotte announced to the crowd.

"But if no one raises their hands, that candidate will not join the Magic Knights." The captain of the Crimson Lions announced.

"And you will leave immediately." Someone with a shit haircut said.

One by one, the candidate's name who was called either got no offers or join a squad. One joined the Purple Orcas, another one joined the Crimson Lion, and finally the Coral Peacocks.

"Next, #164."

Yuno walked forward to see what squad captain would raise their hand. Something that has never happened in history before happened. All of the squad captains raised their hands. All of them waned him in their squad.

"I-I thought that only royalty and nobles join the Golden Dawn."

"Even the Silver Eagles? Seriously?"

"But he's a kid from the boonies!"

"They took a good one." Finral said to Yami.

"Welp, can't be helped." Yami said with a sigh.

"I wanted to be his friend." Someone said in a low disappointing whisper.

Next up was Asta. No one had raised their hand, but Yami started talking, as he gave off such pressure that the candidates couldn't keep balance. Everyone except the captains and Madara we're affected by the pressure.

In the end, Yami told Asta to join his squad and he did. Since Madara came last, it was a long wait until it was his turn. When it was, the people that were there saw the same thing happen for Yuno.

Every Magic Knight captain raised their hands. Everyone was expecting him to join the Golden Dawn, but he surprised everyone by picking the black bulls.

The eight Magic Knight captains were stunned seeing him chose the worst squad. In the end, they couldn't do anything because it was his choice.

"Oi! Madara! You chose the black bulls!" Asta yelled seeing Madara join the same squad.

"That concludes the Magic Knights Entrance Exam."

I need to work on my right scenes. Lemme know if you see any typos.

TruePlugcreators' thoughts