

*Huff huff huff*

He ran and ran. Troy didn't care anymore if his action would attract more monsters to attack him. He just knew that if he let him be caught up by the boar, it would be the end of him. In fact, he could already feel it was nearer and nearer to him.

He then saw a tree in front of him, then he turned to the right, dodging it.


Then he heard a crash behind him. He then took a look, and was surprised that the boar had hit the tree. It was wobbling on its feet, which showed that it had become dizzy after hitting the tree.

However, he didn't stop running. He felt it would be angrier after experiencing a crash. So it would be more determined to kill him. 

*Oik Oik*

The fact was like he had expected. He felt his presence once again. He didn't dare to look back. But he was sure it was behind him. 
