
"See You Somewhere In The Future"

Ainsley had always lowered her head to look at the Godfather's face as she told her story in her mind. 

Her voice sounded a bit cheerful, but...

Her face was already a mess. 

Drops of tears fell to the bedsheet, landing on the man's chest and face. 

But none of these tears ever landed on the man's skin. 

They just went through the man and landed on the bed sheet, forming a blooming grayish flower of tears. 


Seeing the man suddenly open his eyes, Ainsley's heart jumped to her throat. 

She didn't know whether to be happy or not, but before she could convince herself...

The Godfather slowly lifted his left hand. 

He used up all his energy to lift his palm...

And he slowly touches the girl's wet cheek. 

[....little brat. Why are you crying? You look so...ugly.] 
