
"Get Her or Destroy Her"

After the Legendary beasts satisfied their curiosity, they didn't continue to pester Ainsley. 

On the contrary, because they were grateful for Ainsley's information, they couldn't help but want to protect her. 

The group of Legendary beasts glanced at the domain masters and the remaining soul masters around them with a warning in their eyes. 

This kid was someone they were protecting. Back off and don't think of something you shouldn't think. 

The domain masters were all sensitive and they immediately received the Legendary beasts' warning signs. 

These old men and women looked at the colorful Legendary beasts in disbelief. 

How could this be? How could the Legendary beasts suddenly want to protect that little kid? 

They already let go of the Godfather. They couldn't let go of that kid either! 

That kid was too important! More important than the Godfather. 

She carried a lot of secrets that could change the world. 
