
"Parallel Space and Time Tunnel" 

"Ain, all of us are waiting for your safe return here, so please prioritize your safety. No matter what, your safety is the most important, okay?" 

Grandpa Yofan patted Ainsley's head once more and even kneeled on the floor so that he could hug the little girl. 

Ainsley had not even reacted when the old man had already stretched his arms and pulled Ainsley into his embrace. 

The warm embrace immediately enveloped Ainsley along with the old man's gentle breathing and the sound of his strong heartbeat. 

Ainsley, who was a bit nervous before, slowly calmed down and hugged the old man's strong back with her small arms. 

She never hugged the old man anymore after her identity was revealed, but now, the old man himself reached out to her, so the baby could not resist at all. 

The two family members hugged each other for a while before they separated. 
