
"Intercepting Gabriel's Messages" 

Ainsley only planted the information that there was a toddler among the fighters on the battlefield and because this was really too strange and rare, many people didn't doubt the sudden news about the kid. 

Little did they know that all of this was Ainsley's deliberate move to make it possible to infect them with Love Virus. 

The Succubi and succubus tried to imagine the appearance of Asmodeus' medium, and they unknowingly thought of Ainsley, the strange kid that they heard about from the evil spirits. 

"I heard that there is this mysterious kid with a strange charm ability and she's involved in the war. If it's her who becomes Asmodeus' medium, it all makes sense." 

The team just chatted casually and quickly entered the range of the Sky Temple. 

This time, even with Ainsley's assistance, the difficulty in approaching the secret altar would be doubled or even tripled. 
