
"Entering The Transition Island"

Ainsley knew that the blood clan loved children, but she didn't know they would love children so much that the people who talked about her all had good impressions of her even when they had never met her before. 

"Yes, yes, I know the news! Such a cub should be super rare...I heard some insider news that she's a famous outdoor user." 

"I know, I know. I was so proud when I found out that this sensational child is our blood clan member." 

"What is her name again?" 

"It should be Ainsley Sloan. But hey, this is insider news and others won't know about the child's identity. We are so lucky!" 

"If I can use the internet again, I'll help her fight some haters and promote her everywhere." 

Ainsley listened to all the gossip with relish and without her noticing, the group finally arrived at a spot outside of the castle. 

However, instead of entering the castle building, the group went to the backyard. 
