
"The Specialty of The Blood Clan's Wings"

Joan also knew that it was hard for someone as short as Ainsley to touch her wings, so she deliberately folded them and made them drop to the ground as much as possible. 

The wings seemed to have a mind of their own, but they were really obedient in front of Joan. 

The large wings that were even were tall enough to exceed Joan's head by a few centimeters calmly laid on the ground, waiting for Ainsley to touch them. 

Ainsley was still on tip-toe and tried to touch the upper bone wings that looked super sturdy in just one glance. 

Of course, she didn't touch the protruding bone claw at the edge of the wing, afraid that the bone claw would be too sharp for her 'fragile' skin. 

When Ainsley's little fingers first touched the white wing bones, the baby could feel the sturdiness of the bones and the kind of power emitting from them. 

The bones were like roots, spreading evenly to protect and hold up the wings themselves. 
