
"New Surprise Mission"

Ainsley blinked her eyes cutely, and since she was in her blood clan appearance, her cuteness suddenly became doubled. 

It was too foul to look at someone with such eyes, plus those cute fangs poking out once in a while. 

What a foul! 

The Godfather held his breath and couldn't help but nod. 

[The shaman power system did have something like this.] 

If you don't have the second ability the same as the one you can use in a shaman mode, the ability you can borrow in a shaman mode will always be fixed. 

However, if the shaman was enlightened and awakened a new ability that was exactly the same as the ability they could use in their shaman body...

They could choose to borrow another ability from their shaman. 

However, this only applied to spirits that had more than one ability. 
