
"Summoning The Real Ainsley's Soul" 

Thinking again, the three people really couldn't see through Ainsley's mature soul except for feeling that the baby was smarter than the toddlers around her age. 

The three elders were speechless for a while, but they quickly calmed down and hurriedly tried to solve the problem. 

[I have never revived a transmigrator, but no matter what, we have to let the body accept the soul.] 

Caroline was more knowledgeable about this compared to Lyod, so she quickly suggested a few ideas to the baby. 

[First, the body usually accepts the soul if they're born from the same source. But if the two aren't compatible, as long as the body accepts the soul, it is okay.] 

What the woman said was confusing. 

But Caroline meant that the body still had its own mechanism to accept a soul, and since it could accept Ainsworth's soul when she first transmigrated... 

This means it wasn't completely helpless to let the body accept the soul once more. 
