
"Thank You, I Love You"

After reading the whole discussion for more than an hour, Ainsley finally put down her phone and rubbed her tired temple. 

She really underestimated the big guilds' small tricks to prevent her guild from developing in Gasha Country. 

They even dared to share false news and slandered her guild! 

But just like how people couldn't really prove that her inheritance was abnormal, she couldn't really prove that it was harmless. 

Maybe it really had a certain risk and price to pay, but it's so cheap that the charm ability users didn't feel anything. 

Or maybe it was completely harmless because it was an item that Zev gave her and Ainsley believed Zev wouldn't be so malicious to give her something dangerous. 

But there's no concrete proof to all of this. 

The big guilds used this loophole to slander the Irregular Tamer Guild and even if the people from the Godlif Country wouldn't believe it...
