
"Uncles & Aunties' Extreme Enthusiasm" 

Actually, when Ainsley heard the uncle's question, she felt warmth in her heart and couldn't help but blush while answering. 

"I-I am okay, uncle...I am not injured or anything. My teammates' conditions are far worse than mine..." 

The uncle silently let out a sigh of relief before the other uncles and aunties started to surround Ainsley to check whether she was indeed alright or not. 

"Oh, my, you're too thin, Ain! Did Jake starve you or something? If he dares, change a father!" 

"How come your clothes aren't durable enough? Don't you use our family's latest combat clothing? Jake didn't give you these things? Stinky brat!" 

"Ain, have you found a good place to sell all the monster and beast parts you got from today's battle?" 

"Oh, yes, yes, that thing! Our Billios Family also opened a huge stall at the night market. You can leave the business to our family, and we won't ask for even a single penny!" 
