
"Yazzie Entertainment" 

The big boss' face almost collapsed at Ainsley's cheeky words. 

She only asked for the artists first and then she asked for the whole company the next moment?! 

Hell no! 

"I'm sorry. The company in the entertainment industry is our lifeline, and we really can't give it up. How about you pick some artists to go to your side?" 

But he wouldn't let go of all the artists under his company, especially those who were liked by elites from other countries. 

This kind of artist was needed to maintain their family connections! 

Ainsley raised an eyebrow and snickered. 

"Big uncle, you're kidding, right? One inheritance stone can buy your whole entertainment company and the value of the connection and such." 

To trade an inheritance stone with just a few artists...what the hell? 

And these people weren't objects! 

How could this bastard treat his artists as if they were trading objects? 
