
"The Inheritance Stone's Debut"

The guests had seen Ainsley before and knew that she was one of the participants. 

So, when they hadn't seen her on the stage all these times, they knew that she would be the last one to offer up her item. 

Under the stage's bright light, the moderator excitedly called out Ainsley's name. 

"Now, last but not the least. Let's see the item offered by the Sloan Family– inviting the family head to introduce the item to our esteemed guests!" 

The guests applaud politely, just like how they welcomed the previous participants. However, everyone could see that the guests looked very interested in this last participant. 

After all, she's the only one who was so young that she shouldn't be in this kind of place. 

Even those watching the live broadcast were shocked when they saw a toddler wearing a dark purple mermaid dress walking to the stage with a black box in her hands. 
