
"The End Of The First Round"

Caca saw the message and had a dangerous thought. She quickly replied to Azkar's comment. 

Caca: That's why I said to be careful. Who knows if there's a father cruel enough to kill his own daughter for his illegitimate children? 

When Azkar and the others saw this, all of them sucked in cold air. 

Azkar: Impossible! No matter what, even if Ain's father loves his illegitimate children more than Ain, he can't be so cruel as to kill his own blood and flesh, right? 

Zenan: Well...you see how our parents readily sacrifice the illegitimate children. Maybe it's the case with little Ain? 

Larsen: B*llsh*t! Ain is already a multiple ability user with a bright future. Only a dummy will kill her when she can benefit the family! 

Arlin: But what if Ain's dad saw Ain as a threat to his children because she's powerful? He already abandoned the mafia family, surely he won't care about the family anymore, right? 
