
"Quality Over Quantity"

When Ainsley first heard of the news about this year's coronation event changing from the usual simple coronation ceremony to a nationwide tournament, the baby almost bit her tongue. 

She looked at Martin, the one delivering the news to her with a face full of disbelief. 

"Really? Awe ywou sure? Twis has nevel happened befole!" Ainsley touched her forehead and whined like a little kitten in distress. 

Indeed, this was the first time the mafia council decided to change the simple coronation ceremony into something like a survival tournament show…

What are they doing, ah?? 

Martin nodded awkwardly at Ainsley. 

"This is true, boss. I also dug out more information aside from the official statement, and I caught some conspiracy theories…" 

Martin, who betrayed the Golden Scale to save the Godfather, had completely defected to Ainsley's side. 
