
"I Am The Family Head"

More...sacrifice for my deceased people. 

Ainsley swept her gaze over the battlefield and counted that there were still countless enemies that hadn't joined the fray. 

Thus, she didn't worry much and continued whatever she's doing. 

"Mineta, I avenged you." 

"Sonny, I avenged you." 

"Franz, I avenged you." 

"Kate, I avenged you." 

More and more enemies died of an unnatural cause such as heart attack, tripping and getting stabbed in the a*s, getting hit by a stray attack, getting eaten by a random beast or monster...

When the enemies realised that their numbers were dwindling fast, only then did they know that something was wrong with the golden domain. 

"Kill that baby! The golden domain kills us! The golden domain is her special ability!" 

"Kill her! This golden dome is weird!" 




The trumpet of war resounded once more. 
