
"A Shaman"

No matter what, seeing the genuine concern in his eyes, Ainsley's heart softened. She couldn't just hate someone who truly cared for her, even when they just met for the first time.

The thought of bluffing and made these people tremble in fear faded a bit.

The girl unknowingly tugged the corner of her lips, forming an adorable smile. That smile instantly captured the crowds' heart, especially those at the front.

"Bwut, uncle…" Ainsley was about to coax the guest in a gentle way when one of the bastard members opened his mouth.

"Yes, milady, trust us! You can entrust the sacred guardian to our Dober Family."

The one who said that was no one other than the fcking Dober.

Ainsley's smile instantly froze. The baby's eyes glinted.

What did you say? Entrust Cellino to your family? Am I an idiot or what?!

The baby was about to refute when the other branch families voiced their opinions, supporting Uncle Dober.
