
"Let's Kidnap It!"

This cat– I mean this sacred guardian...what is it doing?!

Ainsley's forehead throbbed, and her veins bulged like mad. Disbelief washed over her innocent face.

This cat...this cat…

The cat rubbed its cheeks, head, and body over the paper bag, showing extreme excitement on its face.

Yes. The cat ignored Ainsley and just played with the paper bag. After rubbing it off, it then sat on the paper bag while narrowing its eyes, looking blissful.

The cat successfully led a peaceful life compared to Ainsley's.

But that was exactly why Ainsley had the urge to tore the paper bag and choked the cat to death!

Though she couldn't possibly do so because the cat was too adorable, still…

Aren't you a sacred guardian? Please have dignity, ah!

Ainsley slumped to the floor, wanting to bawl her eyes out. The girl retracted her abilities and stared eye-redden at the mocha-coloured cat.
