
"They Are Cats"

"The three sacred beasts are actually cats!" Finley patted his chest proudly, trying to reassure Ainsley. He didn't know that once he said that, Ainsley almost tossed him away from the tree.

A cat? A frickin cat?! Is my mouth a crow beak?

Ainsley couldn't believe her ears at all. She looked at Finley with eyes full of doubt.

"Cath? Ish ith tlue? (Is it true?)" Ainsley cocked her head as she shot a glare at Finley. If Fin said that it's just a joke, she would slap him to death.

Contrary to her expectation, Finley nodded solemnly.

"It's true. I'm not lying. Just ask your 7 great elders. They will tell you the same. Anyway, you can meet them anytime if the elders approve of it, " Finley continued his explanation.

The boy then squinted his eyes as he leaned closer to Ainsley. The natural fragrance and the smell of sun heat coming from the boy's body instantly entered Ainsley's nose, calming her.
