
Taking A Planet Out Of Orbit

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"We cannot allow our world to end like this!" spoke the Archon, the leader of the council, his voice resonating with authority and resolve.

"We must find a way to restore our sun's light and stabilize the gravitational forces that threaten to tear our planet apart."

The council members nodded in agreement, their minds racing with ideas and potential solutions.

Suggestions were brought forward, ranging from harnessing the residual energies of the planet's core to seeking the aid of distant, allied civilizations. Each proposal was debated with the urgency and seriousness that the situation demanded.

Yet, for all their wisdom and power, the solution to their crisis remained elusive. The fading of their sun, a phenomenon beyond their control and understanding, posed a challenge that threatened to dwarf even their greatest feats of power and technology.
