
Turning Aribia City Into A Personal Slaughter House

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter (Refresh Previous Chapters)



His wings phased into his back in the next instant.


Gustav began to fall towards the sea of roots below in a vertical format. 

As he closed the proximity between himself and the vines which were towering tall into the sky, they began to react.

Thhiii~ Thii~ Thii~

Roots began to shoot upwards in his direction, in a bid to catch him in their snares.

Gustav wrapped his arms around himself and began to spin very quickly as he dropped from from the air.

This made his speed of descent increase and also caused the roots that shot towards him to miss.


In a couple of seconds, he landed on the ground. He had managed to slither into the gaps of these roots and land on solid ground.

However, the moment he did, the roots around him reacted intensely and surrounded his figure to entrap him.
