
Unveiling Yung Jo Villainous Plans

He wanted to pass her the result but she lashed out and the entire structure began to quake underwater. 

At this point scientist Merkil was far from the examination room, fleeing when he heard the destruction everywhere.

He thought Miss Aimee would come for him but instead, she had blasted her way through one of the walls and left the facility in that instant.

He heaved a sigh of relief recalling the symptoms associated with the infection. 

'She must have noticed it,' At that time he thought miss Aimee must have noticed that the earth was starting to be unconducive for her.

He quickly returned to the examination room and got rid of the results that were supposed to prove Miss Aimee was not infected.

They spread rumours that she might have escaped because she was infected, leaving out the part where she actually underwent the test.
