
Skymare Tingale

After everyone picked their scrolls in the library, Mr.Devon led them to another hall.

Unlike the previous halls, There was a room in this hall.

" It's time for the second reward. A 2-star customize armor and a weapon. First to go will be the champion. Meanwhile, you all can think about what type of armor and weapon you want, top 3. Because after Athan, you two will go inside. "

After saying this, Devon told Athan to enter the room where he can decide on what kind of weapon and armor he wants.

Athan nodded as he started walking towards the door leading to the room.

After entering, He saw a man with no hair but with an explosive body filled with big muscles underneath the tight clothes he wore.

He was mostly human except for a big and thick tail behind him. It looks like a lizard's tail but bigger, thicker, and longer.

He was standing behind a wide table. The table had several things placed on it that looked like strange pieces of rocks.
