

The matches to re-determine the rankings went on for one and a half-day.

Athan's current ranking was fourteen. He gave up most of the matches and just secured his foothold at rank 14 pillars.

Celesti's rank was surprisingly twenty, and Erina's rank was nineteen. 

Of course, Athan's aim was rank one, but he already thought of what to do to get rank one without running out of his abyssal darkness.

In this one and a half-day, Everyone got a chance to fight with each competitor. Well, not everyone fought each battle because they were aware of who they can beat and who they can't after observing many fights. So, when they were matched with someone stronger than them, they readily gave up to save their strength for the next battle.

" Now, We will be moving to the second phase. " 

The middle-aged man said before looking at the competitors from rank 20 to rank 30. 
