
Finally, I am here

"Arghaaaaaaaaa....." With every last ounce of his strength, Athan pushed the door further.

The door was 60% opened, and all he saw was darkness, but he believed that his answers were in that darkness as he could clearly feel his soul.

While maintaining the door like this, He slowly got closer and closer before he instantly released his and entered inside the darkness.

Outside, Athan's body suddenly disappeared.


" A#k o% Ex@ori#, Activated. "

Athan heard some sound cracking in between, so he couldn't hear it properly, but he heard the end clearly, and it seems that something activated.

He seems to have appeared at an unfamiliar place and realized that he was no longer as Genesis Avatar but as his main body.

" This....is the place behind the black whirlpool? " Just then, He felt his soul and looked at the top where his giant soul was shrinking rapidly before it entered inside him.

And then, He fainted.
