
Do You Think He's Safe?

Frost City. 

Reiss manor. 

"Father, I think you should hide with the family for now," Alice said to her father who was seated on his seat, staring at the Elders of the family. 

"The commotion caused today will surely make the Emperor send people here in no time. If we stay here, we'll definitely be attacked," Sasha said to her father. 

Donald looked at the Elders before moving his gaze slowly to the cause of problems. 

Grey was sitting at the side of the hall, not saying anything. He even had his eyes closed, not interested in the decisions of the Reiss family. If not for Alice, he wouldn't even come here. 

"Grey, I'm sorry for what happened the last time," Donald apologized for his past actions against Grey. 

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing. I've already forgotten about it," Grey replied without even opening his eyes. 
