
Chapter 436

"Divine Concepts?" Anthony asked with puzzlement. 

"Hahaha, young Worker Ant, you really should put aside your endless work to explore the world a little. However, we are definitely grateful for your diligence, as without it, we would not have progressed this far, hmm?" Beelzebub replied amiably. 

"M-My L-Lord, I am j-just…" Anthony stuttered, shocked and excited by the praise. 

"Hahaha, don't think too much about it. No one can doubt your accomplishments, not before me. Since its praise, you deserve, praise you shall get." The Lord of the Flies reiterated. 

Centicreed gazed at this with endless envy and jealously burning in his heart. Seeing his nemesis praised for hard work, which he had matched in every way throughout the centuries, made him feel discouraged. 
