
Chapter 304

Gunner charged forth, channeling Earthen Lariat as he struck the dazed Darm away. While the Vampire Lord hurtled to the ground, Darius and Xela cast their respective attacks once more. 

-135! -238! -1! 

Both Gunner's Earthen Lariat and Omega Blow dealt basically a single point of damage, and he was lucky to even get that much. Although Earth's Guardian pushed Gunner's Strength and Endurance stat to the master stage, the gap between him and even the weakened Darm was too much. 

Gunner had (after buffs) 130 Str and 75 End while Darm (after weakening) had 177 Str and 230 End. If it wasn't for the way the System calculated things, Darm would likely not have even been blown away by that attack. 

However, Gunner wasn't disheartened. Rather, he jumped towards the awakened and enraged Lord Darm, then activated his OP aggro-inducing skill, Engage. With this, Darm would not be able to attack Xela nor Darius, giving them the time to bombard the undead. 
