
5)Keys and Bees.....

It had been two weeks since Beau had decided to learn more about the Wesen but other than Monroe he hadn't met any willing to be alone with him. Even with Monroe there they still didn't see it as a safety since they didn't fully trust being with a Blutbad and a Grimm alone.

On a rare off day for Beau he was sitting in his apartment going through the trunk looking at everything, beside him was an empty book while he had the others sitting across his desk. He was taking the information from them that was all about customs of each Wesen kind, he was redrawing them and writing what little there was while avoiding how each was killed.

As he read them it seemed like more and more that he read they were linked to killing them more than learning about them, even the peaceful ones weren't let off. Shaking his head at the thoughtless killing just to learn how to do it didn't sit well with him, not that he wasn't afraid to kill them but when he thought about killing innocent people it didn't sit well with him.

After making the last entry he set the book to the side then stood up to stretch, yawning loudly which echoed throughout the house he went back to the trunk. When every book was out all that was left was the sword at the bottom an what looked like a mini-cross bow, taking them out he was about to move to put them on the bed but paused.

He noticed that the trunk was weird looking at it from the angle he was standing, like it wasn't the bottom of it completely, frowning he leaned down and started running his hand along it. It didn't take him long to realize that it was a false bottom and he moved it out the way, underneath wasn't really anything but two keys.

The keys were colored forest green with some weird pattern on them, he would have been confused if it wasn't for the fact that he had already seen Nick having one of these. Apparently his aunt told him to protect the keys, he himself didn't really care about it but knowing that they would try and kill him to get to them he looked at them more closely.

Bringing it to the desk he took a moment to look them over, they looked like nothing special at first then thinking of the pattern on them he dipped it in ink. Placing a blank piece of paper down he saw something interesting doing that, the keys had what looked like a map on them.

It would be something really hard to notice if he hadn't seen the small little N in the pattern, so it was leading somewhere but without all the keys it would be hard to learn where. He looked at it for awhile before shrugging he didn't care enough about whatever was hidden, if it was that just meant that it didn't need to be found in any way.

While lost in thought his phone went off and he saw it was a message from Adalind, it was rare for her to message him first especially on a weekend the last two weekends she was busy. He opened the message then frowned reading what was written there she had something going on so she had to cancel there date, it was another reschedule.

Looking at it he didn't reply though instead he just put his phone away she had done this to him every time they had scheduled something, he could tell that it wasn't work related either. When he had asked her about it she was a little cagey but tried to stay flirty letting him know the only thing he should, that it was another man.

He only came to that conclusion because every time they were together she would always get a message or call from the same person, someone named Sean. Ignoring that he sent Nick and Monroe a message asking them to meet at Monroe's so he could tell them about his keys while also wanting to see Nick's for himself.

After confirming he made his way over, he had gotten three more messages from Adalind but he didn't answer them it looked like she had to busy of a life to be with him at the moment. Since the drive wasn't long for him he beat Nick there and just walked in Monroe had given him a key for emergences so at this point he didn't even knock when he walked in.

Monroe was practicing his cello when he came in so not to disturb him he just walked into the kitchen and made some Coffee it was still mid-day no need for any drinks. Monroe joined him a moment later, "What was so important that you wanted to meet up?" he asked curious, he knew that Beau had a date today so he wasn't expecting to see him.

"Ahh well I wanted you and Nick to see the keys I found in my trunk, you know the one I was telling you about." Beau had told Monroe about it but he hadn't let him see the books yet so all he had heard was stories.

"Really? Wait you are going to be late to your date just for some keys?!" he asked a brow raised while taking the offered coffee that Beau was offering him.

"Well the date got canceled... again.... so I figured why not come share it now." Beau answered with a shrug not going into it, he had already gotten another apology message from her. He knew that they weren't compatible though, he could feel she was hiding something while at the same time there was another guy she was seeing, he felt played with.

"Oh sorry to hear about that. So what did you find out about the keys?" Monroe changed the topic seeing the disgruntled look on Beau's face.

"Well it seems to be a map, I know Nick's only had one picture on his but I have two keys which gave me more to see. While I was looking over them I could see a little capital N on it so I am assuming that it leading somewhere but I can't tell where." Beau looked frustrated thinking about it, though he had two keys they didn't go side by side so the terrain from the keys didn't fit.

"Seriously that's awesome, or not seeing that look on your face." Monroe said hesitantly.

"Well it would be but whoever made them then divided them up made it where if they weren't all together it just looks like a jumbled mess." He took out the paper he had put the ink spots on and handed them over to Monroe.

Monroe looked them over and saw what he meant the picture wasn't clear, even with a full map he wouldn't be able to tell where this was. Not even adding Nicks would clear this up, there was just so much land out there that looked like this, without more keys or someone who was a terrain expert looking at them then it would be impossible to find out.

While he was lost looking over it Nick showed up, to not break his concentration Beau stepped in and told him what he had found out about the keys. Nick looked him over he was thinking of why he had shown all this to Monroe it was in his gaze, Beau chuckled, "I'm telling this all to Monroe because after a year of knowing the guy there is no one else I trust more in my corner."

Nick paused and thought about it since two weeks ago Monroe has been there for every question, even Beau helped on the last case with the Jägerbar if it wasn't for those to that man would have been hunted. "Okay well I don't have mine on me right now but how about you two come to the trailer."

They looked over at him in confusion it didn't make sense without context, "Ahh sorry about that it is something my aunt left behind for me it has some stuff in it that I think you guys would love to see." They agreed and would go tonight unless Nick got called out for a case, he already told them about how to get there and how to make sure no one was following them.

Beau already had plans to go and get his truck out of storage because of it he wouldn't be in a flashy car and he could get around just in case someone was following him. After they all talked a little more about the keys Nick was called away from a case at work something about a flash mob that ended up killing a woman.

Beau paused thinking of something but shook it off an left as well he was going to the gym since he wasn't going to be seeing Adalind tonight. While lifting at the gym he couldn't get the feeling out his head about knowing he should be seeing something but it kept leaving like a fleeting thought.

When he was on the treadmill running he looked at the news and it finally hit him when he saw the woman who had just died on the news. She was a Hexenbiest she was Adalind's friend from the law firm they had worked on some case together recently but she had so many he couldn't remember which it was.

Getting off the treadmill he shot Nick a text to ask about it.


B- Hey did the woman who died have a puncture wound that you couldn't place where it came from. It looks like she died from allergic reaction?

N- Yeah, how did you know?

B-Let's meet sooner I think I know who did this. I will call Monroe.

N-Alright I am trialing someone right now but meet me at the trailer I will be there soon

----Text End

After seeing that he quickly went home and took a shower, but not before sending Monroe a text to meet there soon. Once he was out the shower he made his way over to his storage while being mindful of if any cars were following him, luckily there weren't any there before he made it.

When he made it to the boat yard he found the only trailer that was there, he would need to talk to Nick about this, all around were boats but this trailer stuck out like a sore thumb. Monroe showed up shortly after him the man looked like a kid about to enter his favorite candy store, Beau understood though no other Wesen could say they have done this and lived.

"Calm down Monroe he will be here soon." Beau chuckled while staring at the giddy Monroe.

"Man this is going to make me the envy of any Wesen, well that is if any knew about what I did with you guys. Of course I can't tell them or I would probably have my ass kicked so this will stay a secret." he was so happy he started rambling.

They didn't need to wait long before Nick's jeep showed up he came out looking tired but still gave them a friendly smile, "Sorry I am late was attacked by some bees and needed to get Hank patched up."

"It's fine let's head inside it will make more sense when I explain it inside." Beau said pointing back at the trailer, Nick nodded and let them in. When Beau walked inside he thought it reminded him of a fortune tellers store with the whole creepy and back in time vibe it had going on.

He saw the jars of liquids with German names on them but since he wasn't fluent in it he had no clue what it said, the only reason he could read his books was thanks to a translator. Monroe though was walking everywhere in the tight space looking everything over with a lot of enthusiasm.

"Okay now that we are here what did you want to tell me." Nick asked chuckling at Monroe and looking at Beau.

"Well seeing your text confirmed my theory but also at the same time when you came and said you were attacked by bees I put two and two together. You are dealing with Mellifer." Beau said but all he got back was he could only see himself in Nick at that moment at the unfamiliar words. Monroe was caught up in looking in a book so he wasn't really a big help at the moment.

"You are going to have to go into more detail if you want me to know what you are talking about." Nick said.

"Well to be more specific we are talking about a hive of Mellifer, when I saw about the flash mob killing it clicked for me. They are social creature and they use social media like this to gather and do their attacks. It is simple to say that it wasn't a random flash mob attack but something that was planned by the queen bee of them all." Beau said talking trying to think about how to say it right.

"That explains why the bees attack you whoever it was kept them near you so that they could monitor you, it wasn't harm you but warn. The woman they killed was a Hexenbiest so it makes sense."

"How do you know what she is?" Nick asked curious starting to put things together.

"I have met her before she is a friend of a friend they work in the same law firm so I got to meet her once." Beau answered not revealing anything about Adalind.

"Well that would explain it Mellifer have a fierce rivalry with Hexenbiest they are known for fighting them and it wouldn't be weird for them to attack them like this." Monroe spoke up for the first time looking away from a book he currently had his head buried in.

"So I'm looking for a hive of Mellifer who are trying to send a message by killing a Hexenbiest?" Nick asked confused.

"No if anything they are doing it since the Hexenbiest are probably doing something to them, this won't end until you find out who is behind them all." Monroe said correcting him.

"Alright, well then I need to go back and look over the case tomorrow it wouldn't help me any if we looked in here." Nick said starting to lead them out Monroe looked reluctant though as they left.

"Well try and find something common about the people in the flash mob that should help you out some." Beau added before jumping into his truck, he was tempted to message Adalind to ask if she was okay but he didn't and just drove back to his storage and changed cars.

What is happening in his love life???

KillingSoftlycreators' thoughts