
Youthful Elite

After facing more than 30 opponents, Jason grew bored.

His passive mana gathering could easily replenish the mana he used in a single fight.

In fact, the amount of mana he used in every single fight was much less than Jason first assumed.

He thought that it would be important to divide his mana into portions to fight against all messengers.

However, that was not necessary because defeating them was much easier than he predicted.

Not only were they weaker than him in both physical strength and the amount of mana their mana core could contain, but their mindset and control of their body and mana were poles apart.

In simple terms, Jason could be compared to a professional, while his opponents were mere amateurs.

As such, boredom was bound to overwhelm him, and the messengers were growing visibly angry to see his bored expression. 

The fact that he didn't break a sweat even after fighting 30 opponents both scared and angered them.
