

In no time, the news about a certain event in the Julandra region spread through the Shiman camp like wildfire. 

It reached every nook and cranny and soon everyone wanted to watch the spectacle. 

Meanwhile, Jason was completing his preparations to fight Lux.

There was not much for him to do, to begin with. 

The only thing that could be considered somewhat arduous to achieve was to pay attention to Jennifer, and her extreme behavior.

After all, the news was about a traitor of the three races that reigned the Julandra region.

This traitor would be executed in two weeks from now at the annual Lotus blooming festival. 

There would be a public execution in order to make an example of what would happen to the traitors.

Under normal circumstances, Jason would think that this was nothing out of the ordinary. 

In a war-like situation,  it was obvious to take extreme measurements. 
