
Jason´s demand

"Mark do something!!" Gabriella shouted worriedly before she noticed that these fox cubs weren't really harming Jason with dangerous attacks.

The only danger was that he would suffocate because he was buried under so many small fluffy bodies, causing Gabriella to look weirdly at the whole situation.

Malia saw the few dozen fox cubs and lost all of her rationality. She quickly closed her wide open jaw and sprinted to the gate of the enclosure and opened it quickly.

She slowly approached the pack of fox cubs that looked fearfully at her, as if she was a monster trying to rip them apart.

They sensed her mana fluctuations which were much more powerful than Jason´s.

All of them rushed towards Jason and hid behind him. He felt like a meat shield while the fox cubs squeezed themselves behind him as well as possible.

Even Greg stood at the gate frame, looking at the fox cubs with interest as their fur seemed to be extremely fluffy.

He decided to not care about his image in front of Jason anymore and went closer.

Jason saw how the siblings exchanged a look and grew worried.

`Will they survive these siblings? I don't want to test it out!!`

He stood up and briefly considered something before stating.

"Stop!! They haven't eaten for God knows how long and they must be starving. Let's feed them first!"

Without worrying over what Greg and Malia were doing, Jason pulled out the big parcel he had received a few minutes ago and placed it down in front of him.

While opening it an appealing scent filled the air. Taking out the baby bottles, the special milk, and the fox cub formulas, Jason decided to read the description of the fox cub formula before continuing.

He didn't want to make a mistake!

A minute passed and afterward, he asked the siblings where he could heat the milk.

Around ten minutes later the milk had cooled down considerably and Jason decided to begin feeding the fox cubs.

Each of them could smell the attractive odor and it felt like the earth shuddered as over a hundred stomachs growled.

Malia and Greg calmed down when they saw the greed for the milk in their eyes and sat down next to Jason, taking a prepared bottle to feed the lesser elemental fox cubes.

Even Gabriella and Mark helped out because it would take too long otherwise and unfortunately, they didn't have an automatic feeding machine for cubs.

A whole hour passed until they were fed and everyone was exhausted because the fox cubs were way too noisy and annoying.

After the lesser elemental fox cubs finished eating, they just huddled together and fell asleep.


Now Jason didn't know what to do and he had to ask Greg's parents for help.

Mark was the first one to say something he had already imagined in his mind.

He wanted Jason to sell every cub to them which was Jason's initial plan in the beginning, but he could see a huge desire for money in Mark´s eyes, which frightened him at first.

Jason didn't want to negotiate for long and he put forth a simple condition they had to fulfill before he would sell them the fox cubs.

Because Jason liked these lesser elemental fox cubs in front of him a lot, he was heartbroken to sell them, but he couldn't raise them all by himself due to many reasons like them moving away, his scarcity of credits, expenditures, soul energy, and so on.

His requirement was that the lesser elemental fox cubs were not allowed to be sold to all kinds of nobles and big families who treated their soulbond badly, all kinds of people with criminal records, and human trash with bad temper and behavior.

"It would be the best that these fox cubs could get soulbonds of loving humans who treat their soulbond as a family member but I know that you can't force it.

Nevertheless, some records would be available for nobles and it's known which big families, clans, and so on, treating their soulbond with respect and love."

While Greg gave him a thumbs up, Malia and Gabriella looked at Jason with a gentle smile.

Malia turned red and looked away from the fox cubs while Gabriella was surprised that she felt proud of Jason. She had subconsciously begun to treat him like a family member, even though she wasn't sure why.

Mark, meanwhile, was slightly frustrated.

He didn't really care about what happened to the soul beasts after he sold them. Only a few families who tortured their soulbond could be seen as an exception because he found it disgusting and illogical.

If he could decide where to sell these cubs, Mark would have probably traveled around the neighboring cities to sell them to big families for a satisfying price.

But now more than half of his expected profit vanished instantly after Jason stated his condition.

Mark had to accept Jason´s requirement, otherwise, he wouldn't gain a single credit while Jason could go to the government and sell the fox cubs below the average price even with his absurd request.

Jason was happy to hear Mark agreeing to his demand and it felt like a dead weight had been lifted from his heart.

The fox cubs couldn't leave the enclosure and after doing some calculations, he got busy writing messages to someone. Gabriella invited Jason for dinner, which he accepted this time.

While the dishes weren't extraordinary and they had a relatively simple meal, the atmosphere was something he only knew from years ago, and Jason felt relaxed while eating with the Flers'.

He also noticed that Gabriella was the family's alpha because Mark was still calculating and writing messages when everyone sat down to eat.

A slap at the back of the head was enough and Mark turned off the holographic screen to sit down obediently.

Jason smiled at this sight lightly and he felt happy to be a part of a family dinner.

After they finished their dinner, Artemis, who was curled up on his lap, got up and demanded her own food.

He retrieved all of the wild beast cores he had hunted, and Artemis instantly gobbled them down and her stomach bulged slightly before she vanished inside the white magic circle only to appear inside his soul world.

The Flers´ didn't notice that Jason fed Artemis wild beast cores, otherwise, they would probably be astonished about it and would bombard him with questions.

Jason wasn't hiding anything from the Flers anymore and if they asked him, he would answer them honestly.

He was tired of trying to cover up the special abilities of his eyes and Artemis' mutation.

Hiding it even in front of the Fler's would tire him out.

In the end, the truth would come out one day or the other.

As such, Jason decided that he would answer possible questions about his eyes if the Flers asked him.

Weirdly enough, they didn´t ask anything and Jason was more than happy to notice that, thinking that they were considerate about his privacy.

After dinner was finished, Mark looked at a notification that appeared in front of his holographic screen.

Frowning, he whispered something to Gabriella, who thought for a moment before standing up.

She suddenly announced.

"We have to change our schedule! Our client wrote to us that he needs the greater storm eagle in two days.

Because our client's location is on our way to Cyro city, we'll start our trip a little bit sooner.

To reach our client at the aforementioned, we will need to start our trip tomorrow, early in the morning.

We will take the beasts with us and sell them either in the Jiro-City which is the B-grade city our client is in, or we just sell them in Cyro-city, our final destination.

Both cities will have a large demand for the beast cubs with their high elemental abilities, and we have some connection in both cities."

Malia, Greg, and Jason were slightly astonished but there was nothing they could do about it, and they nodded their heads as a sign of agreement.

Jason had nothing left behind, except his tent which was still standing nearby the dome, but fortunately, he could report it to the AI.

The AI would send someone to take the tent away for a hefty sum, but he had no intention to call a shuttle to drive there only to remove the tent and drive back.

There was no time left for Jason to do that if his trip to Cyro-City would start tomorrow.

He was excited and happy at the same time!

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