

Yang Dao came outside the mansion followed by the two ladies and leopards. They were heading to the gardens where the party was being held and the guests were mingling. As they entered the garden. RALF, who had been following them two steps behind, moved forward and clapped his hands. 

There was one thing about the party in higher societies. They were not loud. The clapping sound attracted the attention of all the guests present and RALF said, "May I have your attention please, Ladies and gentlemen." 

The people stopped what they were doing and turned to face him. The Steward AI said, "I give you the star of the night. Mister Feng Yang Dao. Please put your hand together and bless him on his birthday." 

The crowd cheered. Those who were drinking raised their glasses while some clapped their hands as they all said in unison, "Happy birthday, Young Master Feng." 
