
Rescue or Retreat?

Feng Yun sighed and said, "Calm Daon, Xiao Bai. Young Master is fine. I have sent Shadow guard to watch over him and his team. They will take care of the rest calm down."

Her words calmed down Laohu Bai a bit but still, she was shivering from rage. Suddenly the phone rang. The caller was Atsuji Kurogame. The white-haired girl picked up the call and was about to spit fire when the old man said, "Young master is fine, do not worry. He informed us of his status and the situation is under control."

The people in the house calmed down a lot after this news, yet still, the white tigress blamed the people for letting Yang Dao go to the enemy territory on his own.


Tony came out of the shower and he ate some food with Yang Dao. He drank a bit too much with the girl. Carole came over to them after a few minutes and asked, "She is under control. What do we do?"
