
Arrival of the 9 Souls!

It's been 2 years since Dai Xingchen had awakened his gifts, during this time he had been constantly training his combat and forging techniques within the primordial pagoda's special realm.

About a year ago Dai Xingchen had decided to reveal to Grandpa Hei his ability to forge and thus shocking the elderly man. Least to say Grandpa Hei's reaction was pretty much: "OH MY GOD! THE THIRD PRINCE HAS SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH!"

And since Dai Xingchen had not yet awakened his spirits and possessed spirit power it was understandable that Grandpa Hei would react in such a way. But at the same time the old man was quite happy for Dai Xingchen. Knowing that the child he had regarded as a Grandson possessed superhuman strength brought quite a bit of joy and pride to the old man's heart

Every time Dai Xingchen would finish his training within the primordial pagoda's special realm, he would usually go out to play with the other children like Zhu Zhuling, Zhu Zhuqing and his elder brother Dai Mubai. In fact there were even a few times where he would even spend some time with his eldest brother Dai Weisi.

Since Dai Xingchen has yet to awaken his Martial Soul the elders of the imperial family had not yet prevented him from spending some time with his elder brothers.

As for Dai Xingchen he truly felt quite embarrassed acting as a child, however he also felt quite relaxed. In his previous life as a soldier he would constantly feel pressure from his missions and responsibilities, but now he was once again a child with no responsibilities and was free from worry.

In these past two years the primordial pearl had bestowed him 1 set of new knowledge as well as 2 new abilities. Unfortunately for Dai Xingchen though he could not use any of these new knowledge and abilities. Mainly due the fact that these knowledge and abilities required a type of 'energy' to be able to use them. And since Dai Xingchen still did not possess spirit power, he couldn't even test if it could act as a substitute to perform these techniques and abilities.

The set of knowledge he obtained was basically several techniques from Tsunade. One was the chakra scalpel technique. The second one was how to execute the chakra enhanced strength. The third and final one was the 'Strength of a Hundred Seal' technique which naturally includes all of it's derived jutsus like the Yin Seal: Release.

As for the two abilities the primordial pearl had bestowed him, one was the Fairy Tail world's Telekinesis Magic while the other was the Fairy Tail world's Requip Magic.

Knowing that he couldn't use any of these extremely useful techniques and abilities truly made Dai Xingchen feel quite frustrated.

In order to take his mind off from not being able to use these new abilities and techniques, he decided to instead focus on his forging. With Grandpa Hei's help Dai Xingchen was able to get his hands on countless ordinary metal ores along with a few rare ones as well.

Within the Special Realm...


Dai Xingchen could be seen hammering at what seemed to be a semi-circular shaped tool.

After a few moments Dai Xingchen placed the forging hammer down as he exclaimed with a smile: "Finally done!"

Raising the semi-circular shaped gadget in his hand, Dai Xingchen couldn't help but say in a tone filled with satisfaction: "I finally managed to create a miniature version of Tessen Togeito's Shuriken Launcher!"

After saying this Dai Xingchen then took a few more moments to reinspect the ninja tool before taking it to the special realm's training area. He then pointed the shuriken launcher at one of the training dummies and quickly pulled out a chain from the tool then suddenly....


Over a dozen shurikens were instantly launched towards the training dummy at swift speeds.


Seeing the training dummy now covered in shurikens, Dai Xingchen couldn't help but show a wide smile as he exclaimed: "It works!"

Daisy then appeared by his side and said: "Congratulations on finally completing your miniature shuriken launcher my lord's chosen."

Dai Xingchen: "Thank you Daisy but I think I still have to run a few more tests on it before I can consider it to be truly complete. Could you materialize a few more training dummies for me?"

Daisy: "Of course my lord's chosen."

After a few more minutes of testing the miniature shuriken launcher, Dai Xingchen finally decided to take a break as he sat on the ground and wiped his sweat.

Looking at his newly created miniature shuriken launcher Dai Xingchen couldn't help but sigh and say: "It's a shame that I have to leave this shuriken launcher here in the primordial pagoda's special realm instead of bringing it back with me to douluo."

Indeed! Since the shuriken launcher was made by using metal ores given to him by Grandpa Hei instead of metals materialized by the special realm, Dai Xingchen could bring it back with him to the real world and use it as one of his personal weapons. The only problem was the fact that it would draw too much attention. And since he didn't yet possess spirit power he also couldn't use a storage spirit tool to hide it.

Dai Xingchen couldn't help but sigh once again as he muttered: "If only I had something that could substitute for magic power then I could use my Requip Magic and hide it inside my Requip Space instead."

It was at this moment that Daisy once again appeared by his side and said: "Forgive me for suddenly interrupting your time of thinking my lord's chosen. But your time here in the special realm is almost up. I must send you back now."

Hearing her words Dai Xingchen simply nodded as he stood up and wiped the dirt off his shorts. He then turned to Daisy and said: "Alright I'm ready you can send me back now Daisy."

Daisy: "Understood my lord's chosen."

And like before, with a wave of her hand Dai Xingchen was quickly covered in a flash of black light and disappeared from where he stood.


Now appearing back in his room, Dai Xingchen immediately checked himself and muttered: "Guess I'll take a shower first."

When Dai Xingchen got out of the bathroom after taking his shower, he suddenly saw Grandpa Hei sitting on his bed.

Dai Xingchen then asked: "Grandpa Hei do you need me for something?"

Grandpa Hei did not reply instead he walked towards Dai Xingchen's window and said: "Child in less than a year from now you will be undergoing your Spirit Awakening Ceremony and finally awaken your Martial Soul."

Hearing his words Dai Xingchen couldn't help but ask: "Are you worried that I might not possess spirit power once I awaken my Martial Soul Grandpa Hei?"

Grandpa Hei then turned towards him with a smile and said: "Not at all child. With the potential that your parents possessed I dare say it would be literally impossible for you to not possess spirit power once you awaken your martial soul."

Dai Xingchen then sat on one of the chairs and said: "Then why bring up this topic Grandpa Hei?"

Grandpa Hei: "I just thought that it might be time for me to explain to you several things about being a spirit master."

Hearing this Dai Xingchen thought: "I see so he wants to start explaining to me about the mechanics of being a spirit master."

Dai Xingchen then said: "Well then I'm all ears Grandpa Hei."

Grandpa Hei then nodded and began his explanation: "As you know Spirit Masters are basically humans of our Douluo Continent that possess a Martial Soul and has spirit power. Since the beginning of when humans first appeared, Spirit Masters are regarded as the noblest profession for a person to have. This has continued on to this very day."

Dai Xingchen simply nodded as he listened to Grandpa Hei.

Grandpa Hei: "As far as everyone knows every human on the continent possesses a Martial Soul which can be awakened when a person turns 6 years old and undergoes their Spirit Awakening Ceremony. Once your Martial Soul awakens you can then enhance your abilities regarding a certain field that coincides with your Martial Soul."

Naturally Dai Xingchen already knew this but still nodded again.

Grandpa Hei: "Only people who gained spirit power after awakening their Martial Soul can start cultivating and become a spirit master....."

Grandpa Hei then began to talk about spirit ranks and how a spirit master's potential for growth is dependent on the spirit rank they awaken during their spirit awakening ceremony. Stating that the highest spirit rank a spirit master could awaken during their spirit awakening ceremony is rank 10 also known as Innate Full Spirit Power. He then started talking about how a spirit master must absorb a spirit ring every ten ranks to progress to the next rank and that the only way to obtain a spirit ring is by killing a spirit beast.

Grandpa Hei: "...Must know that only the person that delivers the final blow to the spirit beast can absorb the spirit ring."

Grandpa Hei then decided to pause at this point to see the child's reaction to his words. But to his surprise....

Dai Xingchen had unexpectedly fallen asleep: "ZZZ...ZZZ...ZZZ...ZZZ..."

Seeing this black lines suddenly appeared on the elderly man's bald head as he shouted: "BRAT YOU DARE SLEEP WHILE I WAS EXPLAINING!"

Hearing the old man's sudden shout quickly startled Dai Xingchen awake to the point where he ended up falling from his chair.


Rubbing his head Dai Xingchen said: "Grandpa Hei did you really have to shout like that?"

In truth Dai Xingchen didn't actually fall asleep due to Grandpa Hei's explanation. Instead he fell asleep due to exhaustion from constantly forging in the primordial pagoda's special realm.

After a moment Grandpa Hei sighed. Then he pulled out a book from his robe and placed it on the table next to Dai Xingchen's bed.

He then turned to Dai Xingchen and said: "Read this book when you have free time child. However make sure to finish reading it before your Spirit Awakening Ceremony."

Dai Xingchen: "Er.... Understood Grandpa Hei."

Hearing his reply Grandpa He simply nodded then said with a smile: "Now go child. The second prince along with the other children are most likely already waiting for you outside."

Hearing this Dai Xingchen quickly smiled as he stood up and said: "Alright I'll see you later Grandpa Hei!"

When Dai Xingchen left the room, Grandpa Hei slowly turned towards the window and muttered: "I wonder what the third prince's Martial Soul is going to be..... If there are no accidents it should also be Evil Eyes White Tiger like with the other two princes..... But if he inherit's Jiayi's instead.... Hmm..... The Elders might not be too happy about that."

Must know that ever since the founding of Star Luo Empire, every Emperor that sat on the throne would always have the same Martial Soul, and that was the Evil Eyes White Tiger. As such children of the Emperor that do not awaken the Evil Eyes White Tiger Martial Soul normally do not get the acknowledgement and support of the Elders of Star Luo.

Grandpa Hei then sighed as he muttered: "Hopefully things will turn out alright."


As Dai Xingchen arrived at the palace gardens, he smiled as he saw his elder brother Dai Mubai waving towards him. Behind Dai Mubai were two little girls. One with white hair, red eyes and a crescent moon shaped mark on her forehead, it was Zhu Zhuling. The other girl had long flowing black hair and black eyes. She had an expression that was somewhat indifferent. This was none other than the future Goddess of Speed as well as the one that Dai Mubai had been promised to, Zhu Zhuqing!

As Dai Xingchen approached the three children, Dai Mubai greeted him and said: "You're late little brother. Don't tell me you overslept again?"

Remembering how he ended up falling asleep during Grandpa Hei's explanation, Dai Xingchen couldn't help but give an embarrassed smile as he scratched his head and said: "Something like that."

Dai Mubai then shook his head and said: "Come on, Zhuqing and Zhuling have been waiting for you."

When the two princes approached the two little girls, Zhuling stood up from the ground and quickly approached Dai Xingchen.

Seeing Zhuling approaching Dai Xingchen simply smiled and said: "Zhuling good afternoon."

"Xingchen..." Said Zhu Zhuling with an emotionless expression as she held Dai Xingchen's left arm tightly in her own arms. Needless to say in these past two years they have grown quite close.

It was at this moment that Zhu Zhuqing also approached and said to Dai Xingchen: "Good afternoon third prince."

Hearing how Zhuqing addressed him, Dai Xingchen immediately said: "Sister Zhuqing I told you to just call me Xingchen or brother Xingchen there's no need to address me like that."

Mubai: "He's right Zhuqing we're all good friends here after all."

Hearing Mubai's words Zhuqing simply turned back towards Xingchen and nodded with a slight smile: "Alright... Xingchen."

Mubai: "Alright! So... now what are we gonna play today?"

Zhuqing then turned to him and said with an indifferent expression: "Aren't you supposed to be cultivating and increasing your spirit power instead of playing with us?"

Hearing this the eight year old Dai Mubai then pointed to himself and said with a smug smile: "Hey let me tell you I haven't slacked off cultivating my spirit power at all. In fact I've already reached Rank 17 Spirit Master."

Hearing this Dai Xingchen smiled and said: "That's great congratulations elder brother!"

"Brother Mubai..... Congratulations..." Said Zhu Zhuling with an emotionless expression.

As for Zhu Zhuqing her face remained indifferent as she quietly muttered: "Once I awaken my spirit I'll be sure to work hard to catch up to you."

Dai Mubai: "Alright so how about we play a game of tag then!"

Zhu Zhuqing shook her head and said: "No, Zhuling's body seems weak today she can't handle playing tag."

Zhu Zhuling: "I... um..."

Dai Xingchen: "Then how about hide and seek? Zhuling can be one of the ones that hide. That way she won't get exhausted cause she can rest as she hides."

Hearing his words Mubai and Zhuqing stared at each other for a moment then nodded in agreement.

Zhuling then said: "Xingchen.... can I hide with you?"

Hearing her words Dai Xingchen smiled and said: "Well looks like I'll be one of the ones hiding as well."

Mubai/Zhuqing: "No fair!"


After an hour of playing the four children decided to take a break and rest on the garden.

At this moment the four children could now be seen sitting together on the grass eating some snacks they held in their hands.

Dai Xingchen then patted Zhu Zhuling's head and asked: "Zhuling are you tired?"

Zhu Zhuling simply shook her head and said: "No.... I'm alright."

It was at this moment that Dai Mubai suddenly stood up and approached Dai Xingchen.

Mubai: "Little Brother can you and I talk alone for a minute?"

"Um... Sure Elder Brother." Said Dai Xingchen as he stood up and went together with Dai Mubai.

Seeing the two brothers walking away, Zhu Zhuling and Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but stare at each other curious as to what the two brothers were going to talk about.

When the two princes were finally alone, Dai Xingchen couldn't help but ask: "What did you want to talk to me about elder brother?"

It was at this moment that Dai Mubai suddenly turned to Dai Xingchen with a hesitant expression and said: "Little Brother I know that you're more intelligent than other children your age which is why I believe that you will understand what I'm about to say."

Surprised at Dai Mubai's words Dai Xingchen couldn't help but ask: "What is this about elder brother?"

Dai Mubai: "I can't tell you why but I think once you awaken your Martial Soul we might not be allowed to see each other anymore."

Hearing Mubai's words Dai Xingchen wasn't surprised at all. What's more he was also well aware of as to why he will no longer be allowed to meet with his brothers once he awakens his Martial Soul. From what he remembered from his previous life, the princes of Star Luo will have to eventually fight each other. The winner would then be deemed the strongest and will be named the crown prince. As for the losers, they would be either killed or crippled and sent away to make sure that they do not become a threat to the crown prince in the future. This has been a rule in Star Luo since it's very founding. And it ensured that the next generation would always be descended from the strongest.

In fact with Grandpa Hei's assistance Dai Xingchen was able to get his hands on a book that held information regarding this matter. And from what Dai XIngchen had read it seems that the rules regarding the choosing of the crown prince cannot be changed even by the Emperor since it was an unbreakable rule established by the founding Emperor of Star Luo. It was also written that if the Emperor ever tries to attempt to change this rule he will be regarded as a traitor and will be labeled as an enemy of Star Luo.

This signified that even Dai Xingchen's father the Emperor of Star Luo Dai Baihu was powerless regarding this rule.

Dai Mubai then said: "Little Brother.... I want you to promise me that no matter what happens between us we will always be brothers alright?"

Knowing what Dai Mubai was worried about Dai Xingchen couldn't help but give a slight smile, then he hugged his elder brother and said: "Don't worry elder brother I promise the two of us will be brothers forever."

Hearing Dai Xingchen's words Dai Mubai smiled and returned his brother's hug as he muttered: "Yeah we'll be brothers forever!"

When the two brothers separated from their hug Dai Xingchen then said: "Elder brother do you know what my dream is?"

Dai Mubai shook his head and asked: "What is it?"

Dai Xingchen then smiled and said: "I want to travel, to explore the world."

Hearing this Mubai became somewhat surprised as he asked: "Little Brother you wanna.... leave Star Luo?"

Dai Xingchen nodded: "That's right when I grow up I'm gonna leave Star Luo and explore the world."

In truth Dai Xingchen already had this dream even before he was reborn here in Douluo. He had originally planned to explore the world once he had left the military in his previous life, but since he died he no longer had that chance. But now that he was reborn in the world of Douluo, he had the chance to explore a fantasy world that he had only read about in novels and manhuas. Least to say he was quite excited regarding this.

Dai Mubai was about to say something but was interrupted by the two little girls coming towards them.

"Xingchen!" Said Zhu Zhuling as she once again clung to Dai Xingchen's arm.

Zhu Zhuqing then said with an indifferent expression: "You two were taking to long and we were getting bored."

Dai Xingchen then gave an embarrassed smile and said: "Is that so, sorry to keep you waiting."

It was at this moment that Dai Mubai had suddenly noticed a small figure standing behind a small tree.

Quickly realizing who the small figure was, Dai Mubai immediately turned to Dai Xingchen and the two little girls and said: "You guys go back and play. There's still something I have to do."

Seeing this Dai Xingchen couldn't help but ask: "Elder Brother what's....."

But before Dai Xingchen could finish his words, Dai Mubai had already rushed towards a certain tree.

When Dai Mubai approached the small figure behind the tree he said: "Big Brother."

Seeing Dai Mubai, Dai Weisi simply gave a 'Hmph!' and said: "You're already a spirit master and you're still playing with children? You are truly an embarrassment to our Dai family!"

Dai Mubai had his head down as he muttered: "Big Brother I...."

Dai Weisi: "Shut up! I told you during the day that you awakened your Marial Soul that we are no longer brothers! We are enemies now!"

Hearing his words Dai Mubai couldn't help but bite his lip and clench his fists.

Seeing Mubai's reaction Dai Weisi simply sneered and said: "What's wrong are you gonna cry? If you don't like what I said then do something about it!"

Dai Mubai with a hesitant face muttered: "I..."

Dai Weisi then became quite irritated and suddenly grabbed on to Dai Mubai's collar.

He then pulled his younger brother's collar and brought Dai Mubai's face closer to his then said: "Come on stop acting like a coward and fight me already!"

From afar a middle aged man with spiky black hair and sunglasses was watching this scene between the two brothers. This man was none other than the person assigned to monitor the conflicts between the princes Dai Tian.

Seeing Dai Weisi grab Dai Mubai by his collar, Dai Tian couldn't help but show a slight satisfied smile as he muttered: "Excellent... Things are working out nicely."

It was at this moment that Dai Weisi thought: "Forgive me little brother.... But I must make you hate me."

He then once again sneered at his younger brother and said with his left fist raised: "Well if your not gonna fight, then I'll make you!"

Seeing his brother's fist coming towards his face, Dai Mubai simply closed his eyes and waited to be hit. But before Dai Weisi's fist landed.....


A blur appeared beside the two brothers and a hand suddenly caught Dai Weisi's wrist before his fist landed on Dai Mubai.

Dai Xingchen then said: "That's enough Eldest Brother."

Seeing who it was that stopped him Dai Weisi couldn't help but exclaim: "Youngest Brother?!"

Even Dai Tian who was watching from afar was startled: "Is that the third prince?! But how is that possible, how could he move so fast?! From what I remember he hasn't even awakened his Martial Soul yet!"

When Dai Mubai heard Dai Weisi's words he couldn't help but open his eyes and see the situation.

When he did so he was surprised to see the scene before him. His little brother was holding back his elder brother's fist.

He then turned to Dai Xingchen and said: "L-Little Brother when did you get here?"

"Oh just a moment ago." Said Dai Xingchen as he was still holding back Dai Weisi's fist.

At this moment Dai Weisi still hasn't recovered from his shock of Dai Xingchen being able to hold back his fist. Must know that to land a solid punch on Dai Mubai who was a Rank 17 Spirit Master, Dai Weisi had to infuse a little bit of spirit power into his punch. But to his surprise Dai Xingchen who was only 5 years old and has yet to possess spirit power was actually able to hold back his punch. During the few times that he had spent time with his youngest brother, Dai Weisi had gradually realized that Dai Xingchen possessed intelligence far beyond that of a child his age. But now he has also discovered that his youngest brother also possessed strength far greater than an ordinary person's.

Dai Tian who was looking from afar naturally noticed this as well as he thought: "It seems the rumors were true... The third prince does indeed possess superhuman strength. Hmm.... It seems I might have to adjust some of my plans due to this sudden unexpected discovery."

Dai Weisi simply gave another 'Hmph!' as he took back his fist which naturally prompted Dai Xingchen to let go of his wrist.

Seeing Dai Weisi had took back his fist, Dai Tian knew that the conflict between the prices today was over and thus he simply turned around and walked away.

However as he did so though he was immediately noticed by Dai Xingchen.

Seeing the man with black spiky hair and sunglasses walking away, Dai Xingchen couldn't help but think: "If I'm not mistaken that guy should be Dai Tian. A character exclusive only to the Manhua version of Soul Land 1. To think he exists in this reality as well, if he's anything like his version in the Manhua, then he might cause us trouble in the future. In fact I'm pretty sure he was the one that instigated this conflict between my brothers just now."

It was at this moment that Dai Xingchen also came to a realization: "Wait, if Dai Tian exists in this reality then could the Evil Eyes White Tiger Sage also....."

However before he could continue his thoughts, he was suddenly interrupted by Dai Weisi's words.

Dai Weisi: "Mubai you are lucky that Xingchen stopped me just now."

He then turned to Dai Xingchen and said: "Once you awaken your Martial Soul, we will also no longer be brothers."

Seeing Dai Weisi walking away both Dai Mubai and Dai Xingchen couldn't help but sigh.

Dai Mubai: "Big Brother...."

Dai Xingchen: "Eldest Brother...."

After a few moments Dai Mubai suddenly turned towards Dai Xingchen and said: "Little Brother promise me that next time you won't do this again."

Dai Xingchen: "Eh but Elder Brother I...."

Dai Mubai then smiled and said: "Between the two of us I'm the elder brother so I have to be the one to protect you instead not the other way around got it?"

Knowing Dai Mubai's stubborn personality, Dai Xingchen simply gave a forced smile as he nodded and said: "Understood Elder Brother."

Hearing his reply Mubai simply nodded back and said: "Good!"


Later that Evening....

When Dai Xingchen returned to his room, he immediately picked up the book left by Grandpa Hei and decided to read a few of it's pages.

The first page he opened described about the spirit master's spirit ranks.

Spirit Masters that possess a spirit rank of 1 to 10 are classified as Spirit Scholars and do not possess spirit rings.

Spirit Masters that possess a spirit rank of 11 to 20 are classified as Spirit Masters and possesses 1 spirit ring.

Spirit Masters that possess a spirit rank of 21 to 30 are classified as Spirit Grand Masters and possesses 2 spirit rings.

Spirit Masters that possess a spirit rank of 31 to 40 are classified as Spirit Elders and possesses 3 spirit rings.

Spirit Masters that possess a spirit rank of 41 to 50 are classified as Spirit Ancestors and possesses 4 spirit rings.

Spirit Masters that possess a spirit rank of 51 to 60 are classified as Spirit Kings and possesses 5 spirit rings.

Spirit Masters that possess a spirit rank of 61 to 70 are classified as Spirit Emperors and possesses 6 spirit rings.

Spirit Masters that possess a spirit rank of 71 to 80 are classified as Spirit Saints and possesses 7 spirit rings.

Spirit Masters that possess a spirit rank of 81 to 90 are classified as Spirit Douluos and possesses 8 spirit rings.

Spirit Masters that possess a spirit rank of 91 to 99 are classified as Titled Douluos and possesses 9 spirit rings.

Dai Xingchen naturally already knew this and as such decided to turn to a different page.

The next page he found was one that described about spirit rings.

Spirit Rings are the soul cores released by Spirit Beasts following their death. The Spirit Ring can only be absorbed by the person who delivers the final blow and kills it and should be at a Rank (Rank 10, 20, 30, etc.) to be able to absorb it.

The first six spirit rings not only provides techniques to the spirit master after they are absorbed, it also nourishes the spirit bones in the spirit master's body. The six spirit rings are responsible for the head, body, limbs, and growth of the six spirit bones. The 7th spirit ring is considered the most important spirit ring because it can decide whether or not a spirit master becomes a Titled Douluo. Because of this, it is also called the Titled Spirit Ring. The higher the quality, the better the chances that a spirit master can become a Titled Douluo.

Spirit Rings are usually divided into categories based on their age.

A White colored spirit ring signified a 10 Year Spirit Ring.

A Yellow colored spirit ring signified a 100 Year Spirit Ring.

A Purple colored spirit ring signified a 1,000 Year Spirit Ring.

A Black colored spirit ring signified a 10,000 Year Spirit Ring.

A Red colored spirit ring signified a 100,000 Year Spirit Ring.

Dai Xingchen naturally knew all of this as well and as such was about to turn to another page once again. But before he could do so he was suddenly interrupted by Daisy's voice from within his body.

Daisy: "Forgive me for suddenly interrupting you my lord's chosen. But something has occurred that requires your immediate attention!"

Dai Xingchen: "What is it Daisy?"

Daisy: "Well you see... a trial of Destiny is about to occur my lord's chosen."

Dai Xingchen: "A trial of Destiny? What is that?"

Daisy: "I'm sure you remember that the Aurora Lord had once stated that the primordial pagoda's main purpose is to guide you towards a greater destiny right my lord's chosen. This 'Guide you Towards a Greater Destiny' comes in the form of these trials of destiny, in which you will be teleported to a certain location or dimension where you will undergo a trial that when passed will bestow you heaven defying benefits. Once the trial is over you will then be returned from which you were originally teleported from. Originally I had expected that my lord's chosen's first trial of destiny would occur when the time came that you must hunt for your first spirit ring, I had never expected it to occur to as early as right now."

Hearing Daisy's words Dai Xingchen's expression couldn't help but turn serious as he asked: "This 'trial of destiny' is it dangerous?"

Daisy then replied: "From the knowledge I possess it seems failing a trial of destiny usually lead's to death my lord's chosen. Naturally my lord's chosen can choose to decline undergoing this trial of destiny if you so please."

Dai Xingchen then asked: "If I do decline, will I be able to undergo this trial of destiny some other time?"

Daisy: "Unfortunately no my lord's chosen. The opportunity to undergo a trial of destiny is only available once my lord's chosen. Once you choose to decline you will never be able to undergo that specific trial of destiny again my lord's chosen."

It was at this moment that Dai Xingchen couldn't help but take a deep breath as put the book down back on the table.

Then he muttered: "An opportunity.... with heaven defying benefits huh..."

Dai Xingchen then opened the window in his room and stared at the beautiful starry sky.

He was currently in the world of Douluo where almighty beasts and powerful gods exists. What's more it seemed to be a version of Douluo that had a lot more unknown factors compared to the one he had read in his previous life. One example of this was the Abyssal Devil Cult.

Although he wasn't the type of person that willingly pursued strength, he needed a certain level of power if he wanted to survive in this world. For the sake of ensuring his own safety as well as the safety of those he cared about he needed strength! He had already experienced losing his family once, he wasn't going to let it happen again.

Dai Xingchen then once again took a deep breath and said: "Daisy.... I accept this trial of destiny."

"As you wish my lord's chosen." Replied Daisy.

It was at this moment that an extremely bright aurora light flashed and Dai Xingchen disappeared from where he stood.


When Dai Xingchen opened his eyes, he found himself atop an extremely high mountain.

Dai Xingchen: "Daisy where are we?"

Daisy then replied: "We are currently on top of one of the highest mountains here in Douluo, Black Clouds Mountain!"

Dai Xingchen: "Alright so what am I supposed to do up here?"

Daisy: "I'm afraid I do not know my lord's chosen."

Dai Xingchen: "W-What?! What do you mean you don't know?!"

Daisy then explained: "The details of each trial of destiny is left for the participant to figure out themselves my lord's chosen. From my knowledge it seems to be part of the trial's challenges."

Dai Xingchen: "Then how am I supposed to...."

But before he could finish his words, he was suddenly interrupted by the sound of extremely loud thunder.

Rumble!.. Rumble!.. Rumble!

Raising his head to look at the sky, Dai Xingchen saw a large number of black clouds seemingly filled with lightning were suddenly spiraling together.

After a few moments the large amount of spiraling black clouds suddenly started to transform into something akin to a black wormhole.

Daisy: "It is a portal my lord's chosen. And... something seems to be coming out from it."

It was at this moment that Dai Xingchen's eyes turned sharp as he saw nine lights coming from the portal at great speeds.

Daisy: "Those are... souls my lord's chosen."

Dai Xingchen: "So there are souls coming out of a portal... So am I supposed to guide these souls to the afterlife or something?... Oh crap!"

It was at this moment that Dai Xingchen realized that the nine lights coming out of the portal were heading straight towards him.

He wasn't sure as to what would happen once these nine souls approached him, as such Dai Xingchen didn't hesitate to immediately turnaround and runaway.

Unfortunately for him though the nine lights were just too fast.


The nine lights had crashed onto Dai Xingchen's body.

Six of the souls had entered his body while as the remaining three had entered the tear shaped white pendant left to him by Jiayi.


Right now Dai Xingchen laid unconscious atop Black Clouds Mountain.


When Dai Xingchen opened his eyes he found himself waking up on a large desert.

Dai Xingchen then said: "Great.... Where am I now? Actually... this place seems kinda familiar."

It was at this moment that Daisy suddenly appeared beside Dai Xingchen and said: "We are in your mental realm my lord's chosen. I believe the people of Douluo refer to it as spiritual sea?"

Hearing this Dai Xingchen's quickly turned serious as he said: "If we're in my spiritual sea then that means I'm unconscious aren't I?"

Daisy: "That is indeed so my lord's chosen."

"Great... Just great...." Said Dai Xingchen as he started looking around the desert.

Dai Xingchen: "So... why is my spiritual sea a desert?"

Daisy: "From my understanding your spiritual sea seems to have taken the form of one of the battlefields you had fought in during your previous life my lord's chosen."

Dai Xingchen: "Ah well that explains why this place seemed familiar...However..."

Dai Xingchen then turned to the far eastern side of the desert and said as he pointed at something: "I don't remember there being a large hill on this desert."

Indeed there was a large hill at the eastern side of the desert.

Dai Xingchen then gazed at the top of the hill and saw a thin sword that seems to have been stabbed at the very top of it.

Daisy: "The sword atop that hill is your Unawakened Martial Soul my lord's chosen."

Hearing Daisy's words, Dai XIngchen couldn't help but say: "What?! That sword is my Unawakened Martial Soul?!"

Daisy simply nodded and said: "Yes in fact...."

She then turned around and pointed towards the western side of the desert. There one could see another hill. On top of this hill one could see a large white tiger peacefully sleeping.

Daisy: "Both the sword and the tiger are your Unawakened Twin Martial Souls my lord's chosen."

"Sword and White Tiger...." Muttered Dai Xingchen as he now knew what his martial souls were.


Suddenly at this moment the six souls that had entered his body could now be seen descending from the sky of his spiritual sea.

Dai Xingchen exclaimed: "Those things actually entered my spiritual sea?!"

Suddenly two of the lights branched off and headed towards Dai Xingchen's Unawakened Sword Martial Soul.


The Unawakened Sword Martial Soul was now covered in a cocoon of blue and white lights.

It was at this moment that another two of the lights branched off and headed towards Dai Xingchen's Unawakened White Tiger Martial Soul.


"Rooooar!" Roared the white tiger as it was now covered in a cocoon of orange and gold lights.

As for the remaining two lights...


They landed at the center of the desert near Dai Xingchen's location.

When the smoke cleared Dai Xingchen saw what became of the two lights.

One light took the form of a gigantic ethereal red beast, while the other light took the form of a gigantic ethereal white beast.

"ROOOOOOOOAR!!!!!" The two beasts roared.

Daisy: "Be careful my lord's chosen I can sense that these two beasts are giving off pressure strong enough to crush your soul!"

Dai Xingchen(cold sweat): "Great... now what do I do?"


Within an Unknown Realm.....

It was at this moment that a gigantic white tiger with three eyes and several pairs of wings suddenly stood up and roared with a voice full of fury: "WHO DARES MESS WITH MY DESCENDANTS!"
